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Everything posted by bmseven
  1. Search for Scorpa 250 fr trials bike in parts and accessories also a few 175's about
  2. Sent you an email re Suspension Setup
  3. Its a strange one then, have you checked the breather hose on the fuel cap, try starting it with the cap off! Fuel filter on the petrol cap clean and fuel runs out at a decent rate? Check the pilot jet AGAIN Clean the earth on the CDi unit? Recently had a chain saw that would run for 10-15 mins or so then refuse to start for a while it was the coil breaking down. As you say when its running you cant fault it probably is simple when you find it
  4. I assume that's 0.025" Imperial Try a new plug cap and cut the HT lead back a bit Cant help thinking fuel tho if it starts initially, does the choke speed up the tickover? Have you done a compression test?
  5. Curious - what plug have you got in it and gap? and is the cap OK?
  6. Never touch the throttle hot or cold
  7. Just needs a pair of apehanger bars and some leather saddlebags
  8. There is a definate knack involved I found my 280 difficult at first. Now 2nd kick from cold with the choke on and 1st kick when warm, PS even if I stop riding for a drink break 20 mins later it likes the choke again!
  9. Same with a dolly, a car on one should be taxed etc suposedly
  10. Sorry about my laughing Signed The CameraMan
  11. There are a few more vids on the channel http://www.youtube.com/user/wholelotaboutnothing?feature=watch http://youtu.be/zz-DOL0UW0I
  12. Hi Jody You certainly don't want to be using one of those for towing a trial bike Your 406 with a Dave Cooper rack will be fine for any trial bike you choose to strap on to it, the nose weight is for towing which with a rack your not your carrying http://www.davecooper.co.uk/ I don't even notice I have a bike on the back of my A4
  13. Got a 2008 last of the classic shape and also love it As above the clutch rattles as standard as does the 4th gear clonk, it's the way they are made!
  14. Yep had 4 hours over the woods on Wednesday, just me a few pheasants a buzzard and a couple of woodpeckers.............t'was bloody luverlly
  15. Hi No I can't make this weekend You can find previous vids of the last one here If you go to YouTube there are a collection of vids of the day
  16. Not sure if there is a limit you are only allowed I believe 4 in a year, will have a look at the forms when I am in the garage next. Yep me on the GG, from memory it's 25 acres might be bigger I will be over there tomorrow as the sun's shining If you want to ride Poles wood there is a trial on this weekend http://www.southenddmcc.org.uk/
  17. There is a 2000 ish Gas Gas 250 on ebay in Herts with a BIN ow £750 no connection to me but not a million miles away from you and doesnt sound to bad at a cheap price!
  18. You can ride Poles as a guest of a member for £15 more vids HERE
  19. Hi Bures is owned by a friend It's normally to wet and muddy from the 4x4's but was a good place to go for the first time out Generally go to Poles Wood now Where in Essex are you? Enwods Dad !
  20. Nothing wrong with it, It's a Gas Gas they all make that noise
  21. bmseven


    welcome you might want to edit that Welcome but you might want to edit that
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