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Posts posted by bmseven
  1. That functionality is still working here.

    Again, that's working fine here. You can even be selective via the menu on the left with the purple bars.

    That's working too.

    Sounds like a browser/cookie issue. What browser and version?

    Does not work on Chrome either, have deleted all tc cookies still no change

  2. Nobby is riding the section, his tyre is heading out of the section, but he manages to stop and flick the front end around, in doing this he knocks the flag, of which flattens but then bounces back up. It dosen't bounce back up perfectly, but enough to not worry the observer getting up to reset it perfectly. =

    Is this NO STOP because it quite clearly states Nobby STOPS :blush:

  3. In a word probably NO

    The Erde 121 is a good little trailer and as such fetch reasonable money on EBay, I would have though enough or near enough of a return to buy a proper bike trailer.

    Then the time you have saved not having to modify the Erde can be spent riding your bike - Simples :thumbup:

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