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Everything posted by jreilly
  1. Bring it upstate 22" of ice on the lake I live on.24" of snow on that.Better for vintage sled riding.Nice bike you have there.I have champion frame Suzuki set up for the ice but not been out in years. have fun JR
  2. Just a shout out to our American riders this weekend in Spain riding the WTC.Andrew Putt and Bryan Roper not sure of any others.Good luck and keep your head up and the bike moving forward. Just got a message from my friend Fuji s minder he says team Honda are all set to go! JR
  3. You could take it apart and send it in boxes.Drain the fluids in engine and forks ship by fed ex or ups.I have sent motors and such this way.JR
  4. Yes that is the location.And Boston is the airport to fly into.NYC is further away then I thought.RI is a small state so all is very compact and close.JR
  5. Nigel, You could fly in to either of these airports.Both are not to far from site.I think NYC is a bit closer.I have been going to World rounds at this site sense the 80S.It has very good terrain and spectating is good.It is a big layout but they usually have a shuttle bus to help get aroud.Lots of motels and places to eat about 20 miles from site. Let me know if you need further imformatio glad to help. Looking forward to next summer already,this is a relatively easy drive for us just 5 hours. Look forward to meeting you next summer .JR
  6. Call southern teir Honda in New york.There is a g uy that works there riding one in district 4.Might be a dealer demo you could buy very good condition. Hey Dom have you been under a rock or something not seen you or Fred fors years? JR
  7. You can get a adapter to to fit the smaller hitch to fit the carrier.But that puts the rack back another 6 inches.Best to make rack with square stock that fits the smaller receiver hitch.Have seen many fabricated in different ways.JR
  8. 3D Trials new web address is http://3dtrials.org Come on up and ride with us anytime.Nothing at Hunter mt this year but lots of other locations and plenty of practice spots. There is a very good dealer close to the city with some good riding also.Powerline cycles is the dealer nearest the city that i no of the owner is a trials rider and a grear guy. JR
  9. And Nigel you will want to follow the progress of this US rider.JR
  10. Really enjoyed watching him ride in Penn and Tenn.I got to see a lot because my son rides the expert line also.I spoke with andrew about going back to europe for more rounds and look forward to his write ups about trip. Hey Biff good to see you made it back home safe,good having you as a pitt neighber. JR
  11. I would keep a eye on Andrew Putt he has the talent the desire and the backing that he will need.This kid can ride he will go places.Lets hope he stays with trials and not get off track with the other options .JR
  12. All good points brought up as to why low entries at our nationals.I really think they the natc needs too look at the system.I have been asking some of our club people about doing a national down the road in a few years.But with entrys down and placement on the calinder make or break you.I think a regional event or two in various locations and then a 2 or 3 day final moved around the country each year.Minnesota has not even 40 riders yet not worth all the work in my book. Just drove by Unadilla Valley race track yesterday there national is this weekend .There is no lack of riders at there circus rigs lined up down the highway for a mile. Just to much to compete with anymore. In New York state this weekend National Mx Unadilla,National Hydro boat racing at Whitney Point,ny.Nascar race at Watkins glen,ny and PGA golf with Tiger In Rochester.And I am sure there is more big stuff. Martin if you read this send me a pm need some more imformation. JR
  13. Hello, Glad you are back riding again.There are a couple of clubs in your area there.Niagara trials riders and dist 4 trials club.I am east of you in eastern ny 3D Trials club,a bit of a drive but we do have some rides off the thru way at times.Hope to meet you sometime. We are off to the nationals in RI today have a good one.JR
  14. It is a tough rule in some of the sections.Son got 2 fives for just brushing marker with his pants.Back wheel slid over on rock between tree with markers.Got several for touching edge of split. Martin is right the markers need to be smaller.And placed where they can be easily cleared.JR
  15. Yes Nigel it is the dellorto carb.Did not see anything in the banjo filter.Do you know what height the float is supposed to be at? Thanks JR
  16. My son had a good day of riding the gasser with the new carbon tech reeds installed.But it was a muddy day so not the best conditions to evaluate the reeds,not much high rpms going on.Just a miner carb adjustment needed. Now for another ? thing when bike is warm and shut down it starts very hard seems to not be getting fuel.It was doing this before the new reeds where installed.Is this because it does not have the keihin carb or what. Thabks Jim
  17. Thanks for the imfo guys.Was hoping that it would just be some slight adjustments.JR
  18. Have not had a chance to try yet . Was looking for any in put on carb mods that might need to be done.We have a ride this weekend to sort it out.He rides expert line so does no good for me to evaluate .Will post results.JR
  19. Wondering if anyone has installed the Boyesen carbon tech reeds in a Gas Gas Pro 300?Just put a set in sons bike. Thanks JR
  20. Just got email from team Montesa minder friend.He says terrain is very large grippy rocks and dry but possible rain for weekend.Looks like a nice place for trials.JR
  21. Here it is http://mototrials.us/
  22. I would think with 2 world rounds up there you should be able to find some of the club members around you.I no Bear is from up that way and Steve A. and there are others have fun.Jr
  23. Glad to see youi are going for the 300 you will have loads of fun on it,I would put the slow throttle on it until u get use to the power will be better for trail riding also.Had my bike in 4 weeks after order was put in. JR
  24. I have got the 300SS and yes it is a bear but easy to control.Very smooth off the bottum end and it rips on the loop.I am not a big guy 140lbs suited up and I can handle it.Only thing i have changed is put the slow throttle tube on just to slow down a bit.The 10 tooth front makes the gearing spot on for the riding we have here.Lots of good steep hills and gorges.So go for the big bore and welcome to our world.JR
  25. I have always thought a east west regional events qualifiers would be the way to go.As Steve says have three or so on each coast region and a two or three event final at variuos locations for the overall.This would be like they do for the motcross guys. Just not easy when we are so few spread out so thin in this big land! Just my thoughts JR
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