Just a reminder 3D club ride this weekend 10/4/09 at Romer mtn,Phoenicia,ny.Come on out for a good time,plenty of nice camping spots in the pits surounded by the Catskill mountains.
Start 11 am.Lets hope for a dry day for a change.JR
Hey Terry are you guys coming up for the ride in october at Galway.Let me know so i no to camp or get a motel room.Hope you see this.JR
Just a reminder 3D club ride this sunday at Cherry Valley [Roseboom] NY.Start time 11 am .Talked to Jim S. has everything ready for a fun time for all.
Lets have a good turnout.JR
Have been working on a new trials site for the club event in october.Mike K and myself cleaned creek of downed trees and have loop figured out.
This will be Brit style sections and format.
Hey Biff these pictures should make you a little homesick,maybe a trip back to ny is in order for this ride.JR
I do not think minders hold up any one.Most of the time you pull off and let a rider pass.And as Norm says time is not a facter for most support riders unless they take big breaks for lunch and stuff.JR
Just a reminder 3D trials club ride and picnic this weekend.
Pedal bike fun trials on saturday,some motorcycle games and lots of good food.
Sunday trials and more food.
Weather looks to be good so come on out and camp and have some fun.
later JR
Hey Biff, we where in vermont for the weekend.Weather turned out great.Sections very rocky,technical and slippery.Club did a good job.
Seems Smage is out of reach for the other pros.He made most sections look easy.
See you in New York friday.Hope you have good tires on your bike.Later JR
I would think Hugh's Bultaco has 50 and more he would sell at the right price?JR
Just a reminder 3D trials this up coming weekend at Munnsville,ny.We are going to have a party and campout saturday nite.so come on out and have a good time.
You NETA people would be a good ride for your bunch.Get on the thru way and come out and ride.Very nice terrain good variety of sections.Hope to see a good turnout.JR
Hey Biff,are you going to make the vermount and New York nationals.We are planning on going to thoses events.JR
Second event of the year pretty good turnout.Sections where long and technical.Experts had some great stuff too ride.Dave and Al set some big stuff for the boys to practice on to get ready for the up coming nationals.Loop trail was great weather perfect.A great day to be out in the woods riding.JR
We put a larger volume lever assembly to make lighter pull.This is what the scorpa factory riders do to there bikes.JR
3D trials club event this sunday june 7,09 Sangerfield,ny.Start time 11 am.Site located close too rt 20 easy access from all of ny .You NETA guys come out the thruway or rt 20 for easy trip west.Hpoe to see another good turnout.JR
That is Nozaki's bike he has had thoses mods sense he has been riding that 4 stroke.I helped out for scorpa team at some USWR and he always had the trickest stuff for his 2 stroke scorpa's.The motor he would bring with him to put in the bike that he rode over here was stamped with his name as the serial #.Very worked engine and it was a long stroke nothing like the stock motor in the SY's.Those Japanese riders have a direct link to the Yamaha factory for the trick bits that they use.JR
I want to thank everyone for the great turnout of riders at sundays opening ride.Weather was fantastic maybe a bit warm but beats the cold and snow days in the past.Bob layed out ten nice challenging sections for all classes.
Biff got the long distance award for rider who drove the most,Thanks for coming out Dave and dragging dad out to ride.I think Biff got some good practice for his home event next weekend.
Good day had by all,hope all the rides this year can have same turnout.JR
Just a reminder to all upstate New York riders.3D clud season opener at Munnsville,NY. Sunday start 11 am.I am sure Bob will have some good stuff set up to ride.Weahter looks to be like mid summer,hard to tell this morning with snow in the air.Hope to see all there.JR
Just curious where the engines warmed up good before draining?Seems I get more out then 400 mls.JR
Hey Biff,I have been thinking of dragging the bikes in the back bedroom to do the maintenance thing but thats about it thinking of doing it.Tires are hard as rocks from cold and bikes need a washing but need to wait for a warmer day.
Been doing a bit of boarding but seems free time is in short supply.Plenty of snow to be found more then 4 feet + in the woods just a little north.Plus with injury last fall Docters told me to stay out of the trees and we all know that where the fun is.But have been venturing off tthe trail a bit.
Have had the snowmobile out a few times,best part of that is the sweet sound of the two stroke twin coming to life.But not the same as playing on your bike.
We are having are 3D meeting next weekend maybe that will get everyone excited about up coming season.I am going to ride the sled over to Brigewater with Paul n. from his house near Richfeild Springs.
So stay warm and think spring.JR
I have to look but 42 is the size on my sons 07 sy250.He seems to like it that way.This gearing was recommened by Hindren from Finland.JR
Hey I fell off some of thoses rocks too,and i was not even riding.JR
I removed brass insert on one of mine and epoxy new one in its place.Came out pretty decent.JR
Nobody figured all the money that the minders paid.Worked out to be $300.00 plus land use fees.This is just to ride around the loop.Seems a bit crazy to me.But we all paid it funny how that goes.JR
Hey,Zippy if Biff wears that cow suit,his Dad may just shoot him or return him to the farm down the road.You never know.JR
Ishy,Would be a good idea,other then being about 100 F,and just as much humidity.After May ,June it gets brutal hot there.JR
Stork,Will see if I can measure for you and post later.JR