Hey Biff, Saw your dad sunday.We had a goodturn out for ourfirst ride.Your buddys dad was there he seemed to be having fun.LaterJR
Hey City Trials good pics.Biff you need to get some more video practice but good action ,Thanks.I sure liked that 125 Honda thought it ran strong.to bad you cannot buy one.JR
Hey Copemech,I am behind the guys big head also.I see my all my buddys in the back.JR
Good to see most are home now.I did want to meet Andy and Atom this year but every thing seems to happen so fast.I am sure must have walked by or darn near bumped into both all weekend.Andy I need your e-mail address as I want to sign on as a supporter,but cannot log in to send payment.Dummy me cannot remember password and cannot seem to retrive it.JR
Central New Yorks club 3D trials club season opener is this sunday at Munnsville Ny.Start time is 11 am.With many members returning from a weekend at the USWR,both spectating and video guys{Dave and Mike] we a looking forward to doing some riding.Bobby F is sure to give us a good season opener.Terrain is a mix of dirt side hills rocky stream beds and boulder fields.Hope to see you there.JR
Got home from US WR last nite.Great riding by all,great sections just a all round good weekend.I really enjoyed watching all the up and coming youth riders.Will post some of my pictures later.JR
Spike,Giving it a twist of trottle when bike is not running does nothing to move fuel.I had a sy175 and if the motor was warm pulling choke would kill the motor .Only time choke made bike idle higher is when it was first started from cold.As you say there is not anything else that would cause this.JR
If you have a digital camera take some pics before removing engine.Makes figuring out where all the wires getted tucked away too.Andas someone else said best to lift frame away from engine.You can remove cylinder with everything loose except swing armbolt,but if you go this far might as well remove whole motor.JR
Hey Biff,Just reserved a room at that motel also.Will see you down there.We are driving down thursday.JR
Craig,Thanks for the quick updates.Pat is riding very well and we are all cheering him on.Good luck for tomurrow.And look forward to seeing him ride in Tenesee.JR
Ishy Did you get the entry form in the mail or are they not sending them out this year?Thanks JR
I am picking my new Scorpa SY200 up next week.How is the jetting on the 200,I know with my SY 175 had to change things a bit.And was wondering if the 10 tooth countershaft sprocket is needed also.Gear change did a lot on the 175.Thanks JR
I do not think it will effect attendance at the world round.We are going to car pool and split the fuel costs.Plus it is a good time of year to get to go to some warmer climate and a much earlier spring.Hope to see everyone there.JR
Was wondering what most people do in the off season.Here in upstate NY I can be found at my favorite mountain every saturday morning for my 3 hours of riding practice.Keeps my balance good and we ride the logs,boulders and frozen creeks down the mountain.JRVisit My Website
3D Trials Club AMA District 3 Upstate New York
May 4-Munnsville,N.Y.
June 22-New Woodstock
July 13-Sangerfeild-New Spot
July 27-Thunder Ridge MX Park,Suth Edmeston
August 10-Oneonta
Sept7-Cherry Valley
Oct 5-Phonecia[This location may change]
Visit My Website
Thought you Bultaco Twin shock guys would enjoy this poster from 1973.I had this signed years back by Martin at a US WR.JR
Over here in are area you just go and see a amish farmer.will build you a nice shed and send the boys with it on a wagon to your house.That reminds me I better get one on order.JR
Has Bruand lost his ride with Sherco.He did get a long well with the Scorpa boss when he rode for them before.Would be good as he has had some time on 4 strokes.He is a good kid and I enjoyed being his helper minder at a couple of USWR for the Scorpa team.JR
Hey I have a job just nothing to do today but look at posts on this web site.Waiting for snow toride my sled and ski.JR
Hey Vintage Cota,I am not real good at this computer stuff.How did you fix my link to the pics.I have more photos if people would like to see them.Thanks JR
Here are a few old pictures.They are not the best as I was young and not much of a photographer.Hope you enjoy them.Jrhttp://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj31/jreilly_photos/ThursdayJanuary172008
Hi all how do I post a link to some old photos in photobucket.Thanks for the help.JR
Have never used there trials tires.Have used there MX tires only because as the name translates to Cheap S''t.You get what you pay for.Workpretty good when new but wear out fast.JR
His name is Dave Jackson and he is from Dist 4 up here in NY.Not sure what he into now he is a great guy.He is always looking for something new and exciting to try.I no he raced jet skis for a while and last I new he was into mx racing.he could pick a good line in the sections.And he rode many nationals.Saw him take some nasty crashes to.I will have to ask around and see how he doing these days.Later JR
Glad to see Taddy has found something he can make some money at.He always was a bit of a show off ,but if I could ride a bike like him would probably do the same.Now if only he could talk his good buddy Fejardo to come over and do some these we would see a super show.Good on all of the Trials guys for there hard work and all.JR