I have recently inherited my fathers Sherpa T 1971 M80.
It has stood at the back of his garage for probably 20 or more years without being started.
So I have decided to try and get her going. First took off petrol tank and carb which were all gunked up. Cleaned all the jets with airline and ensured all residues were removed.Removed fuel tap and thoroughly cleaned ( replaced cork washer ). Replaced fuel lines as these had gone'hard' and brittle. Thoroughly swilled out the petrol tank.
Checked for spark and was pleasantly surprised to see a nice 'fat' blue one.
Put some nice fresh petrol in tank and flooded the carb.
Moment of truth , I kicked , nothing , and kicked , nothing , this went on for about 5 minutes and then the penny dropped somethings wrong.
So I resorted to an old trick ( taught to me by my Father in my Francis Barnett years) , drop of petrol on the plug ( after removing from engine ) set light to it and let it burn down. Couple of squirts of petrol down plug hole , replace plug and kick.
Instant life for about half a second , so problem can't be too bad ( thinks to self).
I tried kicking over for longer ensuring carb was flooded and even had the throttle wide open but couldn't get a wet plug.
So the problem with the engine is perceived as this -
Assume electrics okay as engine runs if fuel is in combustion chamber
Carby is cleaned and as far as I know functioning as it should do.
Petrol is new therefore not old and stale.
For some reason fuel is not being drawn into combustion chamber.
Unfortunately my experience with 2 strokes ends here.
I seem to recall the bike was always a pig to get started but once running and warmed up was okay.
I'm not quite sure where to go from here apart from pulling the carby again and seeing if I might have a blocked airway.
I would like to invite any suggestions from you guys, who have obviously much more experience with Bultacos than I do.
Many thanks in advance.