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Everything posted by scottrial
  1. Hi, I have tried sending you a PM, it keeps saying I cant. Not sure if there is a way around this (something about you being unable to recieve any new messages). Thanks!
  2. No worries, thanks for completing it for us!
  3. Thank you for your quick reply, and advice! Here is the link to the survey again... http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/28NYHSB Thank you in advance!
  4. Hey, really sorry for not giving some background on this! I was in a wee bit of a hurry. Here goes... We are 2 students (Becki and Clemence) at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh. As part of our New Enterprise Creation module we are required to 'start up' a new business. Our idea is to open a managed trials site in central Scotland (as this is where our uni is located). We are really just looking for some feedback on whether this is something riders would be interested in using if such a site existed. Any questions/suggestions, feel free to ask! Sorry for not being clear to begin with! Please let me know if its ok to add the link to the survey again
  5. If you could spare 2 min to fill in this short survey (10 quick questions) it would really help me with my uni project! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/28NYHSB Thanks in advance!
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