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no jive

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Posts posted by no jive
  1. Bullseye, perfect, good job, cant get any better than that. Should not even need a vote.

    Been following this and that was the best so far. Everyone can relax now. :D

    Who the HECK is Doc Holiday.

  2. I dont know if you could call beating Kip by 1 point a win. Kip was on a 125 Sherco. The Trial had some pretty good steps.

    Also I had to drive home with the Webbs. Did not want to hear that Kip beat me on a 125 for a three hour drive.

    I guess Kip heard that the Factory Works riders :D make big bucks so he came out of retirement.

    I don't remember seeing some pale white skinny dude there :wacko:

    I would have expected a remark like that from Doc but not you. I remember seeing your son out there riding. You should have said Hi. And who the HECK is Doc????

  3. Once Again LANE.

    You have a son so show us how it is done. He does ride and like I have said he is a good rider. Put you energy towards him and stop all your crying.

    I am pretty sure if we kept going on about how Daniel got spanked at the Youth Nationals (on the itstrials web site he is in 2nd)you would be insulted after a while. For some reason you like to insult the younger riders, but you tell me to pick on someone my own age. I am just being a messinger here.

    Your posts go in cycles.

    1st week. Positive posts. Short questions. Agreeable.

    2nd week. Starts more combative. Ideas are more extreme.

    3rd week. Very adjetative. Very extreme ideas. More insults to whom ever.

    4th week. Insult the top riders, the US riders. Everyone is a loser except for you. The NATC sucks ect ect. Then everyone hammers you. The next week you are at week one. I think it a 28 day cycle. :crying:

    Dont worry, according to the calander I have been keeping on you, the cramping should stop by Friday

  4. Some people do these types of shows to promte the sport. If even one of those people who took my phone number and show up to events, it was worth it to me. I would not say there is money to made in small demos like the cop car.

    But when you see the faces on people when Cody jumps a 6 foot gap from a spool to the top of the cop car and blowing out the windows on the way. It is worth the time.

    I am hoping to do the same thing for the 4th of July Parade in my town. Have a car drive down the parade while I ride over it. Just a little promotion of the sport.

    Of course all of my royalty checks help pay for this being a factory works rider. That money just rolls in, dont know how to stop it. Have any of you bought my No Jive Answer Boots.

  5. Liar oh I mean Lane

    You still dont get it. You go on and on about about Senior riders get all of these perks. I showed you what I got. No where near a works sponsership. I am happy to come sowewhere near Curt Comer. Always a good rider and a great guy who just loves to ride. I bet he does not even practice before events.

    Not an easy guy to beat.

    All your crying and Cody rode in the World round Jr line. Why dont you try praise for someone that is trying and pushing the envelope. 4th in the JR line. I am proud as can be for Cody. I guess it is easier to be a negative Nanny.

    There are always good riders out there. Not all of them show up to the Nationals. So if you think that I think that I am best 40 year old rider in the country you are crazy. I got beat in TN and I got beat at Nationals last year.

    Keep your story straight. Read what you post. Remember what you post. And do something positive for the sport, not just sit, hiding behind a computor screen giving your 2 cents.

    You can always come out and ride against Curt.

  6. Hey Lane

    liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar lair liar liar liar with a big pants on fire.

    Oh it was tooooo hot. Oh I had to woork.I was tiiireeed. Oh my nipples were sore that day. I had looong comuute. :crying:

    After riding the Pro class and your still not sponsered :P

    Quick call the nurse for more medication. It is the little button on the side of the bed. Oh crap your in a straight jacket. Dislocate your shoulder and squeeze out. Come on Lane you can do it your a Stuntman.

  7. It's amazing that a 40 year old guy like Clive gets any sponsorship at all, what other nation in the world has 40 year old works riders? Let alone dozens and dozens of them!

    What more amazing is a 55 year old guy going on and on about the same thing. Over and over again. Crying and crying that the NATC burned him. More than once I have stated you did not attempt a section. Putting your front tire in does not count. It has been a year get over it.

    But I will call Ryan and ask for my Works bike. Im pretty sure that my bike is stock. :crying: I did not know that I was a works rider. I am such a dumb ass. My Dad was right. :P

    Lane like I have said more than Once show us how it is done. You have a son who is a good rider. You are a good rider. Maybe you could start with something simple and work your way up. Like show up and ride an event.

  8. Hey Doc you are alright. Dont let Lane get your blod pressure up. It is his medication talking. It goes in cycles.

    As a Senior 40 Champ this is what I got.

    I got to pay my way to the Nationals with my own money.

    I got to pay my own entry fees.

    Not go to work and lose money.

    What I did get was a small break on a new bike. I think the profit margin on a new bike is pretty low to begin with. So I was happy with that.

    The Sherco pits treated me like a factory rider. I got free gas for my bike, snacks, and drinks and al the Red Bull I could drink. They brought all of the tools for working on my bike. I got to hang with a great bunch of people who like Trials. I had front brake problems in TN and David Chaves was on it and had it fixed. My hats off to the Sherco Team.

    If the Senior riders get so much how come Curt Comer rides an older bike? Not that I want him on a new bike.

    I did get a free pit shirt and number plate. I am not there to get free stuff. I am there for fun :crying: , a good time and of course all those groopie girls :P All those girls are really into over 40, married with kids, balding Senior riders. :D

    I always have to laugh everytime Lane says the Senior guys get so much sponsership that there is none left over for the Pro guys. :P

  9. If I was going to photo shop it would have been me riding over the car. Cody and Colton managed to blow out 4 of the windows. The first picture is the rear wheel going through the windsheild. The first photo does look weird. By the end of the demo Kip had moved the spool back another 3 feet. My other photos are to large to put screen.


  10. Well maybe not arrested but who has not wanted to ride over a cop car. Over the weekend on Sunday Cody Webb and Colton Haaker who rode the High School class at the Nationals did a demo at a Vintage Motorcycle show.

    There were about 500 people at the show. Cody and Colton pleased the crowd. They rode over the car in every possible direction. Jumped at least a 6 foot gap from a spool to the car and had the crowd going.

    I cant say how many people came up after their shows and said how impressed they were. A few people tok our phone numbers for more info. The organizer of the show kept saying how they made the show.

    I think the best thing was that Cody and Colton put this whole thing together with any help.

    Sorry this topic does not have something to complain or bittcchhh about. Just thought I would share our weekend.


  11. First off, Copemech in the picture is that you with a Scooby Doo back pack? And where are the Trophy Girls?

    Congratulations Cody. Great job. I could not be prouder of you. Unless you win a World Title. You have worked hard. Congratulations to your Dad also.

  12. Nice topic Alan

    I have enjoyed reading all of these posts. Finally a topic that Lane has not hijacked. I have often wondered if he was born or hatched. I have heard arguments both ways. :)

    I am one of the lucky ones. Been riding since day one. I was concieved at a Trial and born at section 7 in-between riders. My Dad rode Trials in England and then moved to the USA. :)

    I continue to ride because I love the sport. Tried other motor sports but always came back to Trials. Always impressed with the young new riders.

    Have not come up with a sure fire way to get new riders. But always offer my bike to a new comer.

  13. Lane you are absolutly right about the support the Senior riders get. After I won Senior 40 last year my phone rang off the hook. Offers of new bikes. I was on the Tonight Show and the David Letterman Show. I had to quite my day job.

    MTV has signed me for a reality show. The follow me around the Nationals and film me. I basically trash motel rooms and hang out in strip clubs. :)

    It is amazing how much support I get. A limo to go and practice. My head is swollen. And I dont have to wear spandix. :)

    Thanks NATC now I can live like a rock star like I new I was.

  14. Once again the gut who claims to have all of the answers on training tells you to hire a professional trainer. That is some great insight. I wish I would have thought of that.

    The guy who cries that no one has responded to his ideas on training give you a idea like that 15 posts later. Pretty sad.

    AS you guys may see that no one from this side of the pond will respond to his crap anymore. It would be easier to negotiate with Osama Bin Laden. Lane will never give you a straight answer. He just runs around in circles. He is like talking to a 5 year old compulsive liar. You willl never get through to him.

    Lane does not know he has a problem so he cant fix it. His views are not those of other American riders. PLEASE DONT HOLD US RESPOSIBLE FOR HIS ACTIONS.

  15. Lane you are working really hard to get a rise out of me. So now it is my turn.I feel like you are taking the EASY way out, saying you have no desire to ride the Nationals. You signed up for a class you did not belong in last year. And now that it is time to ride the class you do belong in you CHICKEN out with an excuse. Are you scared you may be the one getting SPANKED? Would it kill your EGO if the 3 time National Champion did not win the Senior 50 class?

    All your talk of younger riders and you could have your son riding cleaning up the High School Class. You mention you have A Trials Team that you have been working with but you dont ride. Kind of hard to teach your team when you have not ridden in months. Do you teach your Team over the internet? or just send them one of your books? When asked who is on your team you wont reply. You dont want to throw all of your cards on the table.

    I personally was wanting you to ride to show us all how it is done. There is still a couple of months to practice. A guy like should be able to pull it off.

  16. Lane I am no longer on Team Webb. The said I have to much Yang and I am poison to any rider who wants to win a National or World Title :)

    Actually I think Patrick and Cody are on the same Team. And I am really looking forward to seeing Patrick ride the Pro class. I watched him last year and he really rides good. You can really tell he gets a lot from the bicycle trials. One of the reasons I went and bought a new Sherco was because of how Ryan sponsers alot of young riders and does a lot for the up and coming riders in the US.

    So only time will tell who is the better rider. Both riders are at an age where it is up to them on how hard they want to win. There is no I in team but there is in WIN.

    That sheep joke was bhhaahhdd.

  17. Lane it is nice to see you stand up for Craig again. My response was to his mean spirited :closedeyes: post in which he edited the Hell out of 20 minutes later and while I was writing my post. It basically insulted everyone for writing a comment. I do not remember word for word what he wrote. Sorry I did not see any sarcasim in his first post. I guess in his last post Craig saw what he wrote and changed it. Or someone grabbed him by the ear and had him change it.

    I do not know Craig or have ever met him. Just did not like what he posted and obviously he did not like it either.

    Still dont get your World Peace comment. I guess I did not read that article.

    But I have to say it was nice to hear that Bernie Story Again and again and again.

    Hope to see you and your team at the Nationals. And in June come ride the British American Cup in Santa Cruz.

  18. Boy do I feel stupid City Trials. We all fell for that one really hard. Oh my gosh I am so embarrassed. But I still have to say congrats to Shan.

    Speaking of going off track City Trials. I remember Ringo asking why you Dissed Geoff at the endurocross. Your only real response was about world peace. So did you get dragged out by your ear :closedeyes:

  19. I will be the 42 year old very good looking guy with the umbrella girls hanging around me. In certain sunlight I look like I am balding, but it is more of an optical allusion.

    If the umbrella girls dont work out :D I will probally be hanging with Ringo at the bar.

    I could also be the guy getting beat up by Lane for all of my comments about his posts.

    What about Copemach. He will be the guy chasing the Umbrella girls or be at Hooters.

    I dont think I will help polish trophies.

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