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Hi 280i, I have Btwice throttle body ,wider bash plate and flywheel weight kit, all good stuff. The throttle body works a treat, no more dicking around setting the idle speed by adjusting the "throttle stop" which you all know affects the TPS setting which you are trying get in a specfic spot, just turn the brass set/thumb screw which lets air bypass the throttle butterfly and your adjusting the idle, it's that easy. I found the return spring on the Btwice was a little heavy so I used the one off the Ossa throttle body. I do have diagnostic cables as well but they were genuine Ossa ones I purchased from my dealer here in Australia (WHICH WE NO LONGER HAVE), luckily our Gasser importer has offered to get Ossa parts from the factory.
Hi there, I know we have a few middle aged adult riders in our club that had 250cc Gasser's and Beta's but I noticed early last year they all bought 280's and 300's this time around. I know here in Australia I have never even seen a 250 Ossa,all 280's and I have just put a 300 barrel,piston and head on my own Ossa. It would also depend on your style of riding and what type of terrain you regularly ride, I would imagine if you rode a lot of tight and technical sections as opposed to steep hillclimbs the 250cc bike would be fine, on the bigger stuff it may be a little lacking in power I would think. Would be nice if you could get a test ride on a 250cc bike of any brand just to let you compare the power difference.
Hi Dave & JJ, There is a Vin Number on the frame up near the steering head which will tell you what year it is. As far as "what to look out for" is a tricky question with out going over it with a "fine tooth comb" for hours and riding it for a while. I think the 2013 came with a high compression head as standard if my memory serves me right, I think that made them a bit of a "bugger " to kick,it should also have the later air cleaner kit which makes for easier air filter service (unlike the 2011 & 2012). That is also correct, the 2013 had the different shape/flexible rear guard. As far as gearbox problems went, some guys experienced selector shaft problem, usually self inflicted by whacking them on a rock or someone litterally jumping on the gear lever. You need to sit the bike on a stand and check the rear linkage for movement/play, the Ossa has teflon coated bushes not bearings, they seem to last pretty well though. Same goes for checking the wheel bearings,steering head bearings. If you havent had an Ossa before you may want to do some reading regarding installing a "battery pack" to aid starting, this has been a debatable issue, but I can assure you after owning an Ossa for the last 21/2 yrs it transforms the starting of the bike and solves any starting issues they had. You will find some interesting reading in earlier threads on the forum here under Ossa obviously. I have a 2012 that we recently put a genuine 300 kit on and have also just done a full "2014 Factory R makeover" on, including plastics,wiring harness,decals,full Termignoni Exhaust system,none of which would have been possible without the help of an extremely talented friend of mine in the paint industry who also has an Ossa and a J/Gas. Hope this gives you some insight, if you want some serious knowledge about the Ossa you could contact PeterB from New Zealand, he lives and breathes Ossa's and will advise you on the "does and donts".
Hi Ric If there the same as the 2012 ? Put a torx wrench in both sides of the mounting bolt and undo in a anti-clocwise direction,, the underside bolt should come out, then from underneath tap upwards with a drift or pin punch and the top shaft will come out, this has a 8mm female thread in it. Yes it's a bazar way of fixing pegs (unlike everyone else) BUT the pegs dont seem to wear on the shaft much as there a 10mm dia rather than 8mm like all the others. Hope this helps.
Hi ric h, sorry for hanging you out there, the 2013 bikes had the "easy change" air filter which has a plastic cage inside the foam element with a wing nut headed bolt that lets you remove the air filter/cage only. I am guessing yours is still original (2011/12) meaning you have to remove the ECU,and relay then undo the worm drive hose clamps,remove the throttle body and then pull the whole air filter assembley out through the top of the air filter box for cleaning purposes?
Yeah I just noticed 2 pieces of the cage on mine that has recently become un-attached and done the same (dissappeared), we have the motor out at the moment for a "Factory R makeover" but there are no signs of the missing plastic cage pieces in crankcase or anywhere else for that matter. Obviously the cages dont take much knocking when re-fitting, I have fitted the 2013 removable cage/filter in my 2012 but its still difficult to do the air-cleaner, so now the bike is in a million pieces it's getting the 2013 wirring harnes to shift the ECU out of the air-cleaner.
Howdy ric h, yeah it looks like it has "picked up" at some stage, I doubt its the mixture, I have a 2012 Ossa and have run it at 140:1 all its life, we just pulled it down and put a 300 kit on it and the bore was perfect, still looked like new. I guess yours has either got hot or servere lack of oil at some stage, or new rings with in-correct end gap, are you the original owner ? A barrel and piston kit isn't cheap, mine was well over $1000-00 AUD, if you need a good used one PM me as I have the 2012 head , barrel,and piston,spare new base gasket sitting in my bike spares cupboard. To give you an idea my bike has done about 45hrs according to the computer.
Hi there guys,not sure if this question has been asked before but has anybody fitted a 2013 seat unit to the 2012 bike,I assume the frame was identical? I see an an earlier post someone had fitted a 2013 rear guard to the 2012 seat unit, thats fine untill you want to upgrade to a 2013 or 2014 decal set as the seat unit is slightly different where the rear guard connects, and the earlier (2012) decal set has 3 extra pieces in it for that area of the seat base. So if you upgrade to the later year decal set it may not fit the seatbase even if you have fitted the later rear guard ? diga
Hi Ossie I was just using his email address thats on B'twice's website under "contact". I suspect he is not answering as I believe he has gone back to work for Ossa again,I received an email a few weeks ago from Xavia Membrives(Ossa's Fuel Injection Tech) to say he was "moving on" to bigger and better things (leaving ossa) and he mentioned Alex was returning to Ossa,so I am wondering if thats why he's hard to contact. Deosn't help you though,I would try Adrian Lewis in the USA as the postage I paid from Spain was pretty stiff,those 3 items cost 50euro each and the postage was 75euro on top,they dont take credit cards or Pay-Pal,so you have to do an "international bank transfer" which your bank hits you you up another $20-30 AUD as well.
Hi there Ossie I live in Brisbane and I got a throttle body and some bits of Alex several weeks ago (Throttle Body,Wider Bash Plate & Flywheel Weight Kit),the idle adustment screw is just magic,you set your TPS as per spec's and then just adjust your idle like any other bike,no touching the throttle stop screw anymore which affects the TPS setting as everybody knows ! The idle screw is just an air passage from one side of the throttle body butterfly to the other,nothing complicated,we did change the return spring that came on the B'twice body (too heavy) to the original Ossa one which I preferred the feel of. He charged me (50 Euro) for the throttle body plus postage. As far as I know I think Alex has returned to Ossa.
Yeah as the other members have said I would give an o-ring chain a miss,due to size restictions and power loss,I have had a great run with an ( RK-GB520MXZ4/Gold ) (non 0-ring) chain,had it on a 2001-321 Gasser for a few years,On my 2012 Ossa I have been running a (DID-ERT2/Gold ) for the past 12months,it has barely stretched,both of these are lightweight motocross chains all rated over 8000lb tensile strength. But in saying all this I remove the chain after every ride,wash in fuel,let dry and then soak it in a tub of oil for an hour or two,then hang to drain excess and refit to bike prior to next ride,yes its a task but I am still on the original sprockets (that came on the Ossa) and the DID chain that I fitted to the bike just after buying it. From what I have seen over the past years all the "trials chains" by ( Regina,Iris & CZ ) are just junk,they just stretch week after week,its never ending till they wont fit the sprockets.
Hi Steveo,thanks for the reply,no its always been pretty on/off,thought they were all like that? All as I know its not very progressive compared to the 2009 320 4t Sherco I have borrowed at the moment,due to an ECU problem on the Ossa. There was previous post where someone had fitted 2013 clutch pack with a good result and another guy in the UK was suggesting he was going to do the same.
Hi there guys,I am on a 2012 TR280i,anybody else done any clutch mods (later clutch pack) to improve the progressiveness of the clutch,mine is really on/of,have tried various oils including 75wt GRO and others,the clutch drag is not to bad once warmed up. I see in a previous thread someone has installed the 2013 clutch pack,anybody else been down this track with success,and whats the cost?
Hi "old ozzie" I have a 2012 thats dragged the clutch since new,has 34hrs on it now and still has what I think "considerable clutch drag",I am running GRO 75wt,have also bled the clutch. If I take all the freeplay out of the lever and have everthing adjusted right up its not to bad,not great but and really very "on/off"as well ! A mate runs Nulon 75wt transmission oil in his Ossa (AVAILABLE AT "SUPERCHEAP") comes in a litre bottle and is a lot cheaper than GRO which can be hard to find at times. Not sure what to do with mine,has been changed several times,I will buy some Nulon next and give that a shot. I am running a 12 volt "start system" on mine,just a NMH battery pack which is available for under $10 on ebay plus a switch,they can be a ******* without them as you have seen on the forum.