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  1. mickey oates are official service dealers to the 2014 ssdt
  2. left my dunlop on , no complaint's riding in mud !
  3. ok ,ill measure them
  4. has the repsol wheel got the fat aluminium spoke nuts?
  5. what years your bike?
  6. send me the frame number, contact details via profile
  7. munch

    Black Box

    why put it there ? there is a correct position for it . 6inches away .
  8. mj ? well , MICHAEL JACKSON
  9. some of us have known about this for nearly a year , yet respect the fact that the businessman has reasons for not revealing himself just yet !
  10. munch

    Black Box

    out of interest ,are you in the uk or usa?
  11. munch

    Black Box

    you get a small aluminium bracket with the repsol bracket . it bolts to the rhs front mudguad bolt and replicates the integral bracket fitted originally . ps the carbon brackets are as strong as the original
  12. munch

    Black Box

    it clearly is the fan relay . 2 x red a blue and blu /blk wire . shocking pdi ! but have seen worse from the previous 'official' importer! . as jj 65 has illustrated it slides onto a bracket in front of the airbox, it is a little tricky! as there is only just enough wiring . it squeezes between the head and frame ( just the plug ,relay removed ) and then down in front of the brake resevoir . but that is where it sits. if you go for a simplified breather system it slots on to the breather catch tank bracket . it's importtant that it is relocated ,as in later life it will from experience give issues.
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