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mr clean

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Posts posted by mr clean
  1. :rolleyes::beer:

    I was greatly saddened by his death. Like was said here earlier, totally crazy and nerves of steel. Always happy, adventurous and positive. I loved his show and his personality.

    I love crazy gutsy controversial activities and people, that is why I like Trials so much. Where else can you find people throwing expensive hard earned bikes off cliffs before they are paid for? He would have made a great Trials rider!

    I could have seen him doing a Trials bike show, "This is new Raga Replica Pro, I bought it with my credit card, that over there is DEATH CLIFF. I'm going to wrestle this bike up there, don't try this at home kids, I am a pro..."

    Tune in Next week when Steve Irwin will attempt to ride a Scorpa over an Elephant!

    I guess the Crocs can get a bit of a break now :rolleyes:

    I always looked forward to his show. A great man to the world has been lost. He was so full of life. We need more wild and crazy fun people like him.

  2. Thanks Glenn,

    I have unloaded the TL-250. I made some $$$ on the transaction, so not all is lost. It was a very fun bike but the lack of aftermarket stuff for it made me feel nervous about spares if I ended up needing them. I was surprised at the contrast in available parts for the TL-125 vs TL-250!

    It looks like I can buy a brand new Lifan 200cc Honda clone engine for $300US! Supposedly the motor just slips right into a TL-125 frame unmodified, not 100% sure of this. Not sure if that motor is tuned properly or can be tuned properly and geared for Trials use. Apparantly it can be.

    There are a lot of kits, frames, and upgrades available for the TL-125 and Honda Reflex, as I love Thumpers, at some time in the future I may consider trying to build up a Trials bike from the ground up into a 200cc Trials Twinshock Thumper with good parts. I've never done this before, but it would be fun if I had an appropriate workshop.

  3. So all of you guys that have ridden Trials in different parts of the world, whether world class or clubman etc.

    Have you noticed a difference in the levels of enjoyment of the sport in different areas? Can Trials clubs be close by, as in Britian where there seem to be zillions of them, and can the riding experience be radically different from club to club?

    When I grew up in a different part of Canada, the local trials club was a lot of fun. Then I ended up in the big city and found that while I like the local riding area, it was not as enjoyable as it used to be.

    I have never been to Britian, but I suspect as a Trials rider it would be great to have lots of people to practice with and many clubs to choose to be involved with. Each weekend having a choice of events to go to.

    I have a new job with a big US company, I used to work for them a long time ago. They were really happy that I came back, they said I was by far one of the very best employees they've ever had. They have asked me if I would be interested in being a manager at one of their US locations. I am tired of the Canadian mentality. I am seriously considering moving elsewhere and am looking into careers in the USA and overseas. I feel lukewarm at best to the local Trials scene. Perhaps I will end up somewhere that Trials is something that I would feel like actually being involved with again.

    So, let's hear it! Where and why is it the most / least fun to be ride Trials, in your opinions!

  4. Hey Ishy,

    I have unloaded my TL-250. At this point I am undecided about getting into another Trials rig at the moment. I may change my mind in the future, Fantic 200 looks nice in the pic. Thanks for the nice offer. If it is a good as you say it is, should be easy to find it a new home.

    I buy and re-sell lots of stuff to make extra cash. I will have to stop flipping Trials motorcycles because I like them too much and end up playing with them and get distracted from the original objective.

  5. :thumbup: me thinks you are out of touch a bit!! Selling your Fantic 240(too much power) buying a TL250 (trying to make it lighter) and now the Mont 315 is the most durable. Have you owned one? Have you owned any other modern(post 2000) bike???We all appreciate good feedback from people who have had first hand experiences with bikes, but I don't think that is the case here! Mostly ALL the modern bikes are GOOD, it is just personal preference!


    I didn't sell my Fantic 240 because it had too much power, I sold it because I quit a ****ty job I was in for ten years and was not sure where I was going next.

    I was looking to work overseas. Had to unload excess luggage to have surplus cash on hand "just in case", and so I could move everything I had, faster. It's not the only thing I had unloaded. My friends and girlfriend all asked me if I was sure I wanted to sell it, as I really liked the bike (except the front forks were too soft).

    It also needed some fixing and I do not have any place to tear a bike apart and fix it bit by bit. Outlaw Dave does and has done what needed to be done to it with good success. If the Fantic was in MINT and out of the box condition, I knew what my next career move was at the time, had a larger cash surplus, etc. I would have been hesitant to sell it.

    When I found the TL-250, which is in awesome shape, it had the original chain, sprockets, and tires on it, and not worn out! (otherwise I wouldn't have touched it) I thought it would be easy to find the weight reducing kits and bits available for it in the 70's, as lots is available for the TL-125. I was mistaken. Haven't yet found a good price on a lightweight exhaust system for it. If the trick bits for a TL-250 were as readily availble as the TL-125, I would have changed it bit by bit.

    The old Fantic, very capable, the old Honda, heavy but fun.


    But hey, this is about modern stuff like Gas Gas:

    Going by what I have seen on Message boards owners seem to overall find the Honda 315 most durable and reliable. It seems to have an edge over the other bikes in this aspect or so I think I have read in the other forums. I could be wrong. This does not mean lightest and most rideable. As you say, that is personal preference. No, I have not owned one.

  6. Dude, you know far too much about the village people and they dont look nowt like any trials riders that i have i ever seen!!!

    You haven't been to a CPTA event have you? :thumbup:

    Young man, there's no need to fall down.

    I said, young man, pick your bike up off the ground.

    I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new trials

    There's no need to be unhappy.

    Young man, there's a class you can go.

    I said, young man, when you're short on your ride.

    You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find

    Many ways to have a good five.

    It's fun to ride at the c-p-t-a.

    It's fun to ride at the c-p-t-a.

    They have every section for you to ride and enjoy,

    You can crash with all the boys ...

    It's fun to ride at the c-p-t-a.

    It's fun to ride at the c-p-t-a.

    You can get yourself a clean, you can have a good wheel,

    You can ride what about you feel ...

    Young man, are you listening to me?

    I said, young man, what do you want to be?

    I said, young man, you can make real your cleans.

    But you got to know this one thing!

    No man rides it all by himself.

    I said, young man, put your bike on the cliff,

    And just go there, to the c.p.t.a.

    I'm sure they can help you ride today.

    It's fun to ride at the c-p-t-a.

    It's fun to ride at the c-p-t-a.

    They have every section for you to ride and enjoy,

    You can crash with all the boys ...

    It's fun to ride at the c-p-t-a.

    It's fun to ride at the c-p-t-a.

    You can get yourself a clean, you can have a good wheel,

    You can ride what about you feel ...

    Young man, I was once on your bike.

    I said, I was down and out with the fives.

    I felt no man cared if I were Tarres.

    I felt every section was so tight ...

    That's when someone came up to me,

    And said, young man, take a ride up the creek.

    There's a section there at the c.p.t.a.

    They can start you back on your way.

    It's fun to ride at the c-p-t-a.

    It's fun to ride at the c-p-t-a.

    They have every section for you to ride and enjoy,

    You can crash with all the boys ...

    C-p-t-a ... you'll ride it at the c-p-t-a.

    Young man, young man, there's no need to fall down.

    Young man, young man, pick your bike up off the ground.

    C-p-t-a ... you'll ride it at the c-p-t-a.

    Young man, young man, there's no need to fall down.

    Young man, young man, pick your bike up off the ground.

    C-p-t-a ... you'll ride it at the c-p-t-a.

    Young man, young man, are you listening to me?

    Young man, young man, what do you wanna be?



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