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  1. Ha ha. Top rant and I can't help but agree with the bloke.
  2. Hello, Anyone got any idea where I can buy a seat and auxiliary fuel tank for a Gas Gas Pro? Or can I buy a proper long range fuel tank? Cheers, Tony
  3. The website for the MOT testers manual is here:- http://www.motuk.co.uk/manual/mc_contents.htm I think it depends upon the year as to whether you can have a bulb horn or not (1st Jan 1973...maybe). It'll say on the website. Not sure that you need a reflector either if you have no lights. Tony
  4. Yeah I saw that. He wasn't a happy chappy, was he. The crowd cheered when the Observer removed the rock. Tony
  5. Thanks indeed. A top weekend but was I glad to have a shower and hit the sack when I got home. Heath waking up at 5:30 on Saturday morning to fire up the BBQ didn't help much. Great to put some faces to names too although it was well into Saturday before I sussed that Brad, who I was talking to on the Friday night, was Lastplacebrad..... Cheers, Tony
  6. I just about learned to ride a unicycle years ago. I could go quite some distance before it all went wrong. The way I learned was to have a mate with a broom shank that I held onto (just one hand). This gives you something to push and pull against while your body figures out how to do it. You don't ride a unicycle in a straight line - its a seies of curves and you have to use your backside and upper body to steer/balance. While your butt is turning left your upper body is turning right. Top fun though. I found a hard surface easier to ride on but a soft surface was much easier to land on And I padded the seat cos it hurts if you come off the back - and I ain't talking about when you hit the deck... Tony
  7. Steve, I've had the bike a month but only been out on it twice so far. I feel like my balance is improving and I can lift and place the front or back wheel without falling off a lot better than I could. Just need time on the bike and to watch a few good riders to see what they do. Cheers, Tony
  8. Can't take pictures of meself now, can I?
  9. Steve, These might help:- http://www.trashzen.com/ http://users.aber.ac.uk/sjs99/bike/tutorial/tutorial.htm Have fun. Tony
  10. Steve, I'm 39 and have just bought a BT Raven 4.0 off Evil Bay. I had an Onza T-Bird a while ago but lack of time means I'm still a beginner. Cheers, Tony
  11. Sounds like you have the top end off - can you feel any up and down play in the conrod? A knocking noise could be a goosed big end. Tony
  12. arieltt


    I'd be interested too. I'm in Swindon near J16 of the M4. Tony
  13. Both R2W and I know it to be true as we have both had the pleasure of viewing the inside of my 2003 Pro engine. To be avoided... Tony
  14. Another good reason to get it sorted is that the gearbox oil lubricates the main crank bearings. Not cheap to replace and you'll have to dismantle the whole engine. Tony
  15. Hello Bill, I wasn't too keen either. I'll grab one next time I go up there. probably do a bit more wombling as well. See ya, Tony
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