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  1. Hello again. Have just decided to start riding my 99 montesa again, have only ridden a couple of times since posting my problems with no spark. Well its playing up again. This might sound stupid but should it be a really bright clear spark to look at? The spark is really feint! It wont start at all. Tried the same plug in my ktm lead and it sparks like mad. Can anyone shed some light on this problem? Once i get this sorted this time then ill defo sell, time for something newer and hopefully ore reliable. Thanks.
  2. manxmann

    99' 315r

    well my fan motor packed in last sunday. ordered new one. wasnt at all cheap (
  3. well since i started this i replaced the fan motor. simple job. it worked for about a day. blagged a go in manx two day trial on sunday and after first two sections of the day the fan packed in AGAIN. its the fan motor again. can it be something else breaking them. theyre not cheap. am a bit worried about buying another motor just for it to break again. has any one experienced this?
  4. hello. can anyone please help. out today on mont 315r. fan not working. big overheating. anyone know what its likely to be? meant to be involved with manx 2 day next weekend. got to get bike sorted. thanks
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