I am considering fitting a V Mar linkage to the suspension on my 4 RT. Wonder if this has been found by those of you who have already done this to be a worth while upgrade. I do find that the suspension is a little soft.
I am still running on the standard shock. If any one has any suggestions as to stiffening up the suspension a little I would be happy to here from them.
Cheers Ali
Sprockets and chain are in good nick. I don't think it can be chain related as the frequency of the tick seems not to alter when you change up but keep revs steady.
I have a 4 rt and have recently noticed a tick or a click which seems to come from the drive to the chain or from the chain itself.
I suspect that it's not the chain as it has a rhythm which is not in time with the chain revolutions. It's seems that it maybe a bearing near to the drive shaft output. The noise goes away within 5 minutes of riding and doesn't normally return until or if the bike goes for a swim up a stream and gets the area wet.
Could someone give me an idea of what this may be and what I would need to do to put to right.
Cheers Ali
I have a 4RT and the bike and trialing are new to me. I have noted that the chain tensioner on the left swinging arm has alot of play. Would anyone be able to tell me the correct description for this and what I need to order to sort the problem. The arm itself seems fine, it just the bush/bearing which seems to have failed.
cheers ali
New I may be but I have lots of questions.
I have 2007/2008 Rt and no owners manual as the bike didnt come from previous owner with one. Would anyone know where to look to download, or possibly be able to copy the one they have to PDF so that I can have a better understanding of the servicing and maintainance thats needs to done and when.
I think that Trials Central could build up a data base of manuals on PDF for all the bikes out there. Its so easy to do and so useful to have information all in one place.
cheers and happy new year to you all.
Thanks for all help and advice given.
I have been out this afternoon for around 4 hours and have returned home with cooled down bike and the oil level is the same as when I left. It still remains a mystery as to where the 300 mls of oil that has gone into the engine had gone to, but there you go.I will keep a very close eye on the level for a few months as it may have been lost when I came off the bike? but maybe not.
It sounds like you have a 4RT. I do think that there seems to be more oil on gearbox side than would be required as it is almost upto the top of casing below a small black cap. The cap looks much like the one attached to the dipstick on engine side.
I will check the items you suggested and check oil after a short run out. Would you know if oil from the engine side can even in theory get across to gear box. This is really frustrating as i have only had the bike a month or so and want to get some use.
Do you know of a Montesa expert/mechanic who may know what the problem could be.
Is that a definite. Where did the information come from. At the minute the gear box seems full of oil but engine lube side is lower on dip stick.
There is no dip stick on the gear box side but there is a cap in the same place on gear box as on engine and i can see oil through the fill hole.
Thanks for the help as if this is right i dont have a problem.
Thanks for the replies. I will run it again and check it when I come back after the bike has cooled down. My concern is the possibilty that it is passing a seal in the engine and getting across into the gearbox oil. I dont know if this is possible but could explain.
Hi folks,
I am new to trials riding and to the forum but hope that some one could help. could anyone give a reason as to why the engine oil which I put in the bike yesterday is not showing on the dip stick today. Seems really odd as there is no oil under the bike.