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  1. could you supply a picture of the riding gear Thanks Geeman 

  2. John, is Underbanks back in this year, thought the issue of road crossing scratched this section due to insurance issues?
  3. Has anyone seen the email circulating dealers regarding the position of GGUK on the fork leg coating issue and wear? Read it and then read it again, what the fook, no responsibility, special deal, £400, my a***, if the bike wasn't such fun to ride, fook up all and buy a Beta!! What about fit for purpose, for £6000, I'd expect something half fooking decent. Rant over.
  4. First invest in a good ground anchor. I have two chains, remove tank and place first chain through frame and anchor. Secondly, remove rear wheel and chain front/rear wheel through anchor chain as well. If your bike is insured, check the T&C's, only Gold Standard chains are acceptable otherwise they wont pay out!!
  5. Had the same problem on my 2013 Factory. Put plenty of ease out fluid all around the knuckle joint, leave to soak for 24 hours. Remove kick start to leave the knuckle joint, do not level against casing as it may crack and that's £100 to replace. What you need is a two leg puller to side behind, use an allen bolt and screw/pull off. A couple of taps before you start seems to loosen the seizure. Apply plenty of copperslip before you re-assemble.
  6. Has the info and rider list/start times been posted yet? Getting a little worried, trial is tomorrow?
  7. 10.30 start between Chop Gate and the Sun Inn. New land, Low Colm Farm. Details on the Scarborough website. All classes.
  8. Who picks the team, is it the manager or the ACU, either way you always put out your best!!!
  9. The scumbags are following people home from Charltons and anyone with bike racks and stickers on vans are asking for trouble. We all need to be aware and more vigilant.
  10. Will need a 3.0 slide and possibly a 48 or 50 jet.
  11. Anyone received their rider no yet, long way to travel without a ride.
  12. djdenzil

    X Blok Front Brake

    The xblock comes with a special banjo bolt, the grub screw is fitted to the top, without this it's impossible to bleed. U can pick one up from a well stocked trials supplier.
  13. Too bloody right I'd was, great day out though, good sections, just covered in 2" of ice!
  14. Worth waiting for, just time to run in before the French 4 day and the Reeth 3 day, bring it on!!!
  15. Nice, but I'm waiting for the new Raga.
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