A Xmas cheer to those who reply first.
I have 25 Litres or so mixed fuel, Shell Optimax @ 1:50 Ipone. I shall be taking it all to the trial on Sunday on a first come first served basis. Limited to 1 tankfill per person, which seems fair !!!
You cant miss me, decked out in full Montesa regalia with new 07 plastics on me 4rt!!!!
Just ask for DJ.
Happy Xmas to all.
Does anyone know where you can get decal number plates made.
Some guy was selling them recently on evilbay, but I missed the auction.
Need to get one for the new 4RT.
Looking forward to Addingham this weekend!!!!!
To all those riders that missed this event, 52 sections in one of the most beautifull settings in Yorkshire.
Full credit to all organisers, landowners, observers and the propriator of "The Sun Inn" who dishes up a most delitefull pint of Black Sheep Ale.
First day out on the CA 05 4RT, what can I say, a joy to ride !!!!
Looking forward to up and coming Holgate (RMDC) and the Vic Boyes (M`Boro) clubs to really put the beast to the test!!!
4RT Power.
I may be interested if the price is right, send me a PM !!!
I`vw seen that BVM do a Fat Bar Conversion Kit in Black. Do Hope REP do any other colours or are they on special order ?
Do people prefer Fat Bars or Standard Renthals as I`m thinking of investing more bling for me new bike!!!
Cant afford one,
saving up me pennies for a new bike!!!!!
New Sherco Yeh !!!!!!
Does anyone know if there is a Hull trial this weekend in Farndale.
I am struggling with my clutch on a 2006 290. My riding is improving but is been hampered by the ability to slip the clutch when riding in general/ big steps.
Is there an answer out there as the clutch is either engaged/disengaged, with no play in between, which makes riding sometimes difficult!!!!
Good friends don`t come cheap, just to thank the lads, you know who you are who helped me get over the hire car write off and pick me and nickerlias up from Gueret Hospital.
I would recommend this trial to anyone wanting a challenge, long days, great sections and the locals have trials in their blood.
If you think the Reeth 3 Day trial is hard, think again, this is for the big boys to play!!!!!!
Roll on 2007 as I hope to improve my lowly 56th place on a new machine!!!!!
Vive la francaise!!!!!!
Does anyone know when the starting no. are being issued ?
Who`s riding this excellent trial, 2 laps of 25 sections in the centre of trial heaven !!!!
Sherco (MRS) recommend IPONE Synthetic is available from most well stocked trials shops and after 3 bikes, this has never let me down.
Clutch is well light and with long levers is much easier to ride!!!!
Sherco (MRS) recommend IPONE Synthetic is available from most well stocked trials shops and after 3 bikes, this has never let me down.
Clutch is well light and with long levers is much easier to ride!!!!
Anyone interested in a modified inelt manifold for a PWK Keihin carb, I sold my carb last week, but kept the inlet manifold as it was going on a Gasser.
I have found by fitting a carb spacer helps with the overall fit as the bowl does not bottom on the crankcase!!!!!
As the son of a classic bike connoisseur, it pains me, beleive me it does to know that the MC in charge of Hawkstone are fighting a writ from the local council that will end an era of fun, sorry camping, at Hawkstone for ever!!!
Does anyone know of this as the article states that the locals are fed up with noisy, unsociable, campers who leave rubbish after they have left!!!
PS Trials fans are not pikeys or new age travellers!!!!
After a solid performance at the weekend, Cota Kid closely followed by our site opwner Andy led the British charge for the most alchohol consumed in a single event. The Europeans were left agasp at the steady rate of pints, bottles, mixers, shorts and anything else that they could lay there hands on as both men drank and drank into the early hours of Sunday morning.
Cota took pole position as he dabbed his way from bar to bar, taking no prisoners along the way!!!!
The rest of the brits followed suit on Sunday evening where celebrations took place on the excellent standard of riding from our junior and senior riders across the whole weekend.
A certain Beta minder, tee total for the weekend, consumed with pride for the success of his man, hit the bottle and made a new spanish friend with a barman called John who did not understand small measures in small glasses!!!
All in all a totally ace weekend, never to be forgotten, excellent weather, excellent riding, great atmosphere and as we all said "THE BRITS DONE GOOD".
Next report Poland 2006.
Two barmy smoggies, me and the Cota Kid are off to support Dougie and the Brit boys in Spain in the Spanish Outdoor round. Travelling first class, of course, we are hoping to hire a local means of transport (donkeys not included) and high tail it to the nearest hostel. If any one else is travelling from London Stanstead on the 31st March, they are welcolm to hitch a ride and enjoy a bit of crack with plenty of San Miguel along the way!!!!!
Good luck to the Brit boys, its going to be one hell of a weekend!!!!!
Hey Dom,
what number are you, I've heard on the grapevine you are paving the way!!!!!
I'm number 56, starting at 9.56 am.
After competing a grueling EY2D trial, I have heard that Elliot took a nasty tumble in Harwood Dale, Section 9 and was hospitalised!!!!
We have heard rumours of broken bones and misplaced knee caps, does anyone know his condition as he is one of the lads at SDMC!!!
Does anyone know where I can purchase an airside manifold rubber for a Keihin 28mm PWK to a 290 Sherco 05 airbox!!!!
Local enquiries have drawn a blank!!!!
I`ll be there as well, flying those Sherco team colours. I do hope its not as wet as last year as those 25 sections will seem like riding four laps, not two!!!!
I think it is adults only as "road work" is involved. Anyway the entry list is full this year with many a disappointed rider so get yer entry in early when you can ride on the road!!!
I have a spare one of me old 05 250 GG, you can have it if you don`t mind a few scratches or too!!!
You can buy a new one froma ny good gas gas dealer, Alan at feetup will give you a good deal I think a new one is about
The morning trial is a club championship trial and would prove difficult for any newcomer to trials whereas the afternoon is a charity trial and would be more attractive to any newcomers to the sport!!!!!