My company car is up for renewal, I have a nice comfortable Passat saloon with toys and DSG gearbox. I towed a trailer initially but I have been using a rack on the back of the car of late which is far more convenient, the bike rack is fine and travels well but I am never completely comfortable with the bike on the back of the car.
I have been wondering lately whether to buy my own vehicle instead of getting a company one and purchase a car where I can carry the bike inside. I would be looking for a four seater vehicle as I would have to have this for work, although seldom travel with more than a passenger and would be looking at something 3-4 years old. It would seem my options are limited to Berlingos/Partners/Caddy Maxi.
My girlfriend is horrified by the idea but I am starting to come around to the utilitarian nature of these vehicles, I would have to have the least slow version or have it chipped.
How practical is it getting a bike in one of these? Can the bike be loaded quickly and easily? Do you use a ramp or lift the bike in? I travel an annual mileage of around 18000 per year, is the noise, performance, lack of comfort going to drive me mad?
Interested to know your thoughts.
I suspect this is down to the ethanol now included in standard unleaded fuel. I have heard that some fairly new Ducatis with plastic tanks are distorting. I try and use only super unleaded as the ethanol content is very low, i think Shell has 0.1% and some others have none, i think BP is ethanol free on super unleaded and others depend on whereabouts in the country you are located.
I really like this and had been wondering about trying something similar in a Frontera i am working on as a future potential modification. My concern was wether the bore size within the casting would be sufficent diameter. I was thinking of welding up the side aperture and making a fitting with bleed nipple to mount in the top arm opening. Top marks for trying this and thanks for posting.
Looks ideal for those floater turns.
Having recently started I would say just try and relax, don’t feel intimidated by the experts practicing bunny hopping around you before the start they have been riding for years.
Don’t worry about time, just try and do one lap, the first lap always takes the longest, if you do one lap you have done well, if you finish one lap and feel you can do another do so, if not call it a day and watch other riders.
You will most likely fall off, you will most like take the wrong route at some point. You will feel like you are riding like an idiot but don’t let it get to your head. You are not alone and everyone goes through it, I still am. Forget about the last section and treat the next with a clear mind.
It can be frustrating and you can feel as though you don’t need the stress and feel like giving up, but the more times you do it the more you relax and the more you relax the more enjoyable it becomes and the better you will ride.
Try and talk to people as you go around, explain it’s your first time, ask what gear to use, explain to are having difficulty with turns, climbs or whatever and they will very often give you some good advice. Everyone is always very friendly.
Do stick with it, it is so easy to finish your first trial totally disillusioned with your own ability but you will get improve quickly if you persevere you will really enjoy it.
Do let us know how you get on.
I have a Pursang hub i am looking to have relined, it is larger than the Sherpa i believe at 140mm diameter. Any suggestions on the best place to send this would be appreciated.
I found mine seized also, managed to free them by removing pads and placing spanner through the middle and pumping to extend pistons. Cleaned pistons and has been okay since. I did have one side stick initially but clamped the good one with mole grips and worked the sticky one until free.
Thanks for the input. Good point about hex head countersinks. Those slotted screws are the work of the devil.
I am just about to re-assemble a 74, Alpina 137, 250 engine. Whilst apart I am going to replace the gearbox bearings. The retainers for the bearings have countersunk screws with tapered serrated washers, several of these screws have collapsed whilst unscrewing.
Countersunk serrated washers seem difficult to locate and wondered whether you chaps use these washers, compress regular serrated washers or just use thread sealant?
Your thoughts would be appreciated.
From personal perspectve as a beginner. I suspect that probably more people take up the sport than we realise. Starting out not knowing anybody, full of nerves, failing miserably at every section,finishing a lap if you are lucky and feeling totally humilated, it is quite likely you will feel it is not for you and the biken goes up for sale. In my case i am determined to stick with it but would would be very easy to live without the stress and pack up.
I feel sure this happens a lot.
Trials is quite different to racing. Racing even if you finish last you have a measurable distance to the person in front, that person is a target and if you can close on them or beat them you feel you are improving. In trials everyone always seems much better than you.
I had a very enjoyable and educational day today, many thanks to all those that gave up there time to help us wobblers.
I have to second that, i was there too and the instruction is first class. Excellent day with very good company too.
SP1 that was very good of you to do that. Just spoken with Stu and looks as though you will have to put up with me as well next Saturday. At least i will give you something to laugh at as i crash through.
I emailed Stu yesterday about the possibility of joining you on the 7th, no reply as yet, i had considered joining ESTC too but i also wondered about the extent of the practice area. I was going to go along to a trial and have a look but Hanks you have convinced me so the membership form will go in the post today.
Read this with interest as I am just starting out too, I am based between Stratford and Warwick and would like to find someone to ride with.
Just got to sort out my back brake this weekend and then I should be ready to go. I was also looking to take up some training and would be interested to know how you get along. Sounds as though the 7th might be full anyway but hope to get along soon.
Stratford club I notice has a beginners trial planned for 25th April at Saintbury, might be a good place to start.
Good day Yerpal,
I am not too far behind you in years and just starting too. I have a 200 Gas Gas which I have not ridden yet and looking to get some practice in now I finally have some time. It would be nice to have someone to ride with. I am based between Stratford and Warwick. The only places I know to get some practice are near Bewdley and Earl Shilton.
Thanks chaps,
Yes i think i might have a re-assessment, i rather like working on bikes and am fairly competent so that is part of the fun but the difficult part seems to be where to draw the line. My thoughts are that you just have to go your own way so i think that will be the plan.
Looking for a little guidance and this would seem the place to be, I have recently bought a rough Tiger cub with the notion of humiliating myself in some pre 65 trials. However the more I look into this the more difficult it seems to be to know what to options to take in setting it up. The first hurdle was actually easier than anticipated, I started it at the weekend and the engine and gearbox seem okay. I bought a 4.00 trials tyre to check if it would fit and seems okay in what I believe is the wider swinging arm except for the chain running very, very close to the tyre. I think I will try and mover the engine over a few mm and I also notice that there is a front sprocket available with an off set to bring the chain out, does anyone know how much this offset is?
Actually I have lots of questions so might as well just post them all together, the gearbox is standard road gearing I believe, what size sprockets would be best? Is it worthwhile fitting the low second gear option I have also noticed that it is available? The forks are 30mm Japanese, XL 125 or similar, are these viable? I do have the severely decomposed original forks and yolks. The wheelbase is around 50.5
Creating a monster, well Tiger cub actually. Hopefully I will be joining the fold shortly and will be grateful for any assistance dragging me out of ditches and pulling me out of trees in the near future as I suspect this could go horribly wrong. What have I let myself in for?
Just about to post a book on current build dilemmas.