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Posts posted by guys
  1. From the Facebook group  Gas Gas vol produïr i no morir


    Good morning, tomorrow, Wednesday 28 will be opened in the commercial court of Girona binding offers from Torrot, Sherco and IRG investors.
    Tenders will be opened
    and we will hear more about what the future for the workers and for the brand.
    We know how gas gas industrial project starts and how many workers begin and under what conditions.
    After ten months after stopping activity have been many battles we have fought to have a future. Tomorrow it is another battle, no more important or less important than others, but from this, which determines whether to end the social side has won the pulse of partners, banks and legal processes. A situation that over ten months has been both financially and psychologically impoverishing all workers of Gas Gas.
    Tomorrow we will be on the lookout and keep you informed as we get information.
    Thanks for your support throughout the process.

  2. Thanks feetupfun.

    I thought saying "Ok, so I'm the only one who isn't satisfied with ok brakes, fine by me." would suffice, but apparently not.
    (I had my brakes re-lined although the chrome was still ok and usable, apart from some pitting)


    Oh well, no harm, no foul.

    • Like 1
  3. Guys man up, different thing chrome failed brakes were relined otherwise we wouldnt even be having this conversation


    Nigel, could you rephrase that sentence please, because I don't understand what you're saying.


    Don't forget I'm from Belgium.  :unsure:


  4. See scraubers answer, strangely the bulto brakes worked ok with chrome and saved weight too.

    But the reason for change back then and now is the failing suface, no could be about it.


    Ok, so I'm the only one who isn't satisfied with ok brakes, fine by me.


    • Like 1
  5. Andorra as we know is always difficult for bike set up and always has been. Dibs didnt spend time the week before testing, moret did and his bike was much better apparently.


    It isnt fair on vertigo to say as Guys did above that development isnt whshould at it be or misquote Dibs without looking at the facts.


    I dont particularly want to buy vertigo, but thats personal, but to suggest or spread an untrue rumour isnt right.


    Please don't twist my words around, I never said development wasn't as it should be. I'm way to modest to make such claims :rolleyes:

    As we all know development always has it's problems, otherwise you wouldn't need development would you.


    And please check out the videos before accusing me.


    All I said, in other posts also, is that there's a difference between the way Vertigo handels things versus TRS.

    Vertigo does it almost in the open at WTC's and such, and TRS did it all behind closed doors.

    I never said one way was better than the other, all I said was that some potential buyers might be scared away when there's to much talk about problems, yet, as others stated here, for some that honesty and openness is a positive thing.



  6. I know the importance of alignment, I've been aligning machines and components for a living for 25 years now.

    But that doesn't change the physical properties of chrome versus steel or iron.

  7. I bought an S3 clutch pack which also didn't have the correct thickness although it was supposed to be ready to use.


    Like Elk says, I bought some separate steel plates to get the correct pack thickness and had a perfect clutch.


    Gas Gas gives the desired pack thickness measurement, because that way it's very easy to calculate what steel plates thickness you need to achieve the correct pack thickness.


    Synthetic oil is not the problem, I used GRO Gear Extreme, which is a fully synthetic oil and is even recommended by GasGas and is very similar to the Elf HTX 740.


    Be careful when sanding off friction plates, I tried it and it made the clutch worse, very inconsistent engaging point. Better get some correct steel plates.

  8. Can we a bit realistic here. Anyone expecting him to say its rubbish we have been working on it for months ?


    Realistic? Every company has its own approach I guess,


    Dabill for instance, wasn't afraid to admit that they had problems with the development of the Vertigo.

  9. Re lining on a Bultaco is down to the chrome linings failing.


    Could be, but I'm sure many were glad they finally had a reason to replace the lining with something that actually has some friction.


    I know I was :)


  10. Thank you for posting this! Not bad for his first ride on it huh? :rotfl:


    Not trying to be the wise guy here, but he said it was his first ride with the TRS on his home training grounds, so probably not necessarily his first ride on the bike. ;)

    Still very impressive though. :agreed:


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