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Everything posted by guys
  1. Message from the (former) GasGas employers on their facebook page Gas Gas vol produïr i no morir Good afternoon, Wednesday July 17 was communicated to us by the manager that we are officially in liquidation. The work, by the committee together with the management team and manager, is preparing the report for the sale of the production unit. This report is well underway and the team is optimistic economist Band productive unit. Today more and more, there are powerful investors interested. It is still early and there is still much to be done, the team economist, believed to have finished the entire report before the end of the month. If new potential investors interested, you can, through the administrator, or our facebook page through private message. Request information in the process of auction of the production unit. For those you want to support the continuity of Gas Gas Motos, we suggest that you join me in the lead platform fans and users together against the closure of Gas Gas through its twitter accountsalvemosagasgas. Make them followers ofsalvemosagasgas to display a number amount of people supporting the initiative and want our company to continue producing. You can also publish your tweets with the hashtag you #salvemosagasgas express your opinion against the closing and your passion for the brand. Continue tosalvemosagasgas and tuitead with #salvemosagasgas hashtag. What our voice heard also in Twitter, one of the most influential social networking time!
  2. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2y8kcq_la-provence-au-galaup-16-07-15_tv?start=6
  3. Just something I came across on facebook
  4. guys

    2016 Cota Rr

    Fortunately you are wrong.
  5. guys

    2016 Cota Rr

    The price of the 300RR is €8999
  6. The shield on my Mitani titanium pipe has the same problem, it stands to far of the pipe
  7. I've solved that problem on my Butaco by using risers with a set back from SW-Motech and mounted the backwards. http://shop.sw-motech.com/cgi-bin/cosmoshop/lshop.cgi?action=showdetail&wkid=143669200917532&ls=en&nc=1436692037-18222&rubnum=products.ergonomie.lenkerverlegung&artnum=LEH.00.039.152/S&id=2&gesamt_zeilen=Tshowrub--products.ergonomie.lenkerverlegung&typid=181982637
  8. I suppose you've got a shorter brake pedal with that, or do you have extremely large feet?
  9. How long have you been riding the 4RT? Because you've got to give it enough time to get used to it. I' ve got a 4RT and had a GasGas for a year and didn't notice much difference in traction.
  10. It happens to be this socialist that has done more against corruption and tax evasion in the 5 months he's in power, than the previous LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE government in years. For instance, the former government tried to keep the Lagarde List ( a list of potentially 2000 tax evaders) a secret and did nothing with it. This government is finally doing something about it.
  11. By the way, if you didn' already know, nobody's perfect http://www.thepoke.co.uk/2015/07/08/poke-guide-2015-budget/
  12. What does that have to do with any cospiracy? Nobody is denying that there were made some very bad decisions in the past, with the knowledge of those that are now blaming Greece the loudest, but that doesn't mean the current generation, who suffers the most, has to pay for it. And who has benefited the most of this situation? Right, the banks and some other EU states.
  13. He's just stating facts, nothing conspiracy about it.
  14. How the media discredit Greek democracy: http://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2015-07-06/how-the-media-discredit-greek-democracy/
  15. I helped a rider, with the first aid kit I carry in my van, who got his bike on his head resulting in a not too large gash. I think it's only normal you try to help. Nobody's going to sue you for that.
  16. I hope you're not assuming that the IMF, the EBC or the european bureaucrats now anything about on the ground economics. You should take a look at the Bolivian and Ecuadorian economy. They got out of the **** when they adopted a policy that was the opposite of what the IMF wanted.
  17. According to Martin Sandbu of the Financial Times persevere in austerity is not even in the interest of creditors. Further tightening of the austerity policy will lead to further economic decline and the economy will shrink more than five percent. Also the debt will increase wich will lead to more economic decline . Even from the perspective of Schäuble this is no solution. Another interesting quote: 'The German economic miracle (Wirtschaftswunder) according Piketty based on the kind of debt that precisely the Germans now do not want to assign to Greece.'
  18. guys

    2016 Cota Rr

    286cc according to this: http://www.trialmotor.com/apresprodutos.php?prod=1000&esclang=us I read somewhere on this forum that the engine casings had to be addapted foor the 300cc kit, but they don't mention it in the link above.
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