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Everything posted by guys
  1. If I had the money I wouldn't hesitate one second to buy one
  2. guys

    4Rt Quality ?

  3. You must be kidding, right? I once put my previous 2008 4RT, which had some lighter parts on it, and the 2012 GasGas I had last year on the scales and the difference was about 8kg.
  4. I put my 4RT on the badroom scales (which are about as acurate as my doctors scales) when he was new/standard, and he came in at 77,4kg with a full tank of gas.
  5. The lanyard is only compulsory at national events, not at local trials, but for his own sake he should have been more careful. I think he was a bit distracted when he started in this section because you can hear him saying to me, he started in the wrong gear too.
  6. guys

    4Rt Quality ?

    I'm not suggesting you should dismantle and grease the link bearings after every race but every few months depending on how intensive you use your bike. A complete water or dust tight dynamic (moving) seal does not exist so regular cleaning and regreasing prolongs the bearing life. And what in gods name do you or your learnered(?) friend, mean by "braking" the seal?
  7. If you put fork protectors on your standard 4rt, which most of us do, which are standard on the Race Replica, you've almost lost your 0.5kg advantage. I bought the Race Replica mainly for the awesome Showa suspension and together with the carbon parts, high grade wheels and its looks, it was worth the extra euros. And it has lost that additional 0.5kg on other places ( titanium header pipe, light home-made aluminium electra support, light home-made aluminium fuel tank base (under construction) etc...) Not to mention the additional resale value of the Race Replica.
  8. guys

    4Rt Quality ?

    A missing bearing, not Honda's poor workmanship? Really?
  9. Don't you get tired of repeating yourself over and over again?
  10. Short pieces, of almost live footage from Marseille: https://www.facebook.com/jean.finiels
  11. http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/53908-4rt-termignoni-durability/?hl=%2Bexhaust+%2B4rt#entry384642
  12. Our event for tomorrow has been canceled because it snowed a little bit today. I guess it was to difficult to mark the course out in the snow. Temperatures are around the freezing point or at about 5°C, so thats not so bad. The Christmas Pleasure trial in Arnhem Holland was also cancelled due to bad weather. As long as the roads are open so I can get to the event, I don't mind a little snow. A couple of years ago the Classic Trial in Aywaille was ridden in the snow. The picture is from a couple of years ago
  13. guys

    Points Setting

    The 0.35 to 0.45 mm point gap is there so the points open on the steep part of the cam and not the shallower, top part of the cam. When they open on the steep part, in other words, when the points open quickly, you get the best spark and the least chance of burned points. At least thats what they teached me at school a long long time ago...
  14. I've also noticed some rubbers don't react to well to WD40.
  15. guys

    Gas Gas Future?

    Manufacturing smaller numbers does not necessarily mean you can't survive as a company. The world is full of small businesses who do just fine.
  16. guys

    Gas Gas Future?

    Come on Dabster, you're a serious GasGas lover, why don't you start a crowdfunding for them!?
  17. aluminium castings can contain impurities, which can make welding them a precarious job. I would use something like this as some others already mentioned. The risk of it going bad is far less compared to welding. I've used it to seal a crack in the clutch casing of my 159. http://www.loctiteproducts.com/p/epxy_weld_t/overview/Loctite-Epoxy-Weld-Bonding-Compound.htm
  18. guys

    Gas Gas Future?

    Let's hope it's not too late so they can profit from the action the European Bank is planning to take. http://www.bbc.com/news/business-30915210
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