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Everything posted by guys
  1. guys

    4Rt Clutch

    Oh how I like a happy ending.
  2. That reminds me, I've got to get out to mow the lawn... (with my Bunton lawn mower, how do you southerners pronounce that? Bunton? made in Louisville KY)
  3. Not for everybody, that was the point I was trying to make. But don't get me wrong, if the FIM decides to go back to stop-allowed trials, you won't hear me complain, far from it.
  4. Again, is it really necessary to be the most spectacular motor sport, just to increase the interest in the sport? Not for me. Trials has a nice mix of explosive jumps and ultimate bike control in tight corners and such. I got interested in trials when Eddy Lejeune was at its best in the eighties and because of that, it got some tv coverage here in Belgium. Not the most spectacular sport you'll find, even in those days, but good enough for me. ( also, the ones who ride trials, know how difficult the sport really is)
  5. guys

    Bultaco 198A

    I'm a motorcycle guy with nerdy tendencies, and a bit on the side. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgMgkl-gRxk
  6. guys

    4Rt Clutch

    I agree with jrsunt, there's already a lot of info on the clutch at this forum. Read it all and you'll be much wiser ( and older too ). I've got the Mitani clutch, but this is not really a cure to find neutral easier. It does make the clutch a bit smoother.
  7. I've heard several Spanish commentators say Toni Bow. And this is how we, in the low country's, pronounce Ossa: It sounds like bOSSA nova, the music term
  8. I disagree with your lycra statement. Cyclists mountainbikers and skiers wear even more revealing outfits and they don't suffer from a non manly image, au contraire. At least not to the point it's harmful for the popularity of their sport. Of course there are a few who think otherwise, like you apparently (a psychologist might be able to help you with that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwRJ5IoKTmg Another thing I would like to mention is the downside of a more popular sport. Mountainbiking also suffers a bit from this effect. More trial riders have a larger impact on the environment and on the general population. In other words, more people could get annoyed by those butch guys and girls on there poluting, shiny motorcycles that can get everywhere, because they can master almost every obstacle, nature can throw at them.
  9. I think you jokenly made a good point there. My experience is that trials people in general, are a more gentle, not so rough crowd compared to MX people. But is that a bad thing? Not in my book. Concerning the spelling, because English is not my first language, I almost always use Google Translate to check my spelling. I must confess I get mildly annoyed with blatant spelling errors, but what bothers me the most is when they don't use punctuations. I don't like to read a long sentence twice or more, to understand what they're talking about.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLkVIWvf6I4
  11. I've sold my 280 Racing some time ago and this is what he left me: (+ a little bit of cash) He will be missed
  12. Welcome bienvenu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eep1_tiPOVY
  13. Is it absolutely necessary for them to be more popular? I like the idea of being in a sport that's a bit "special" or not so well known. That said, I always welcome a bit promotion and try to promote the sport myself by making videos and shout about it on facebook. Our club had an initiation/training/promotion weekend a while ago, and it attracted about 30 or 40 trials riders out of the woodwork we've never seen before on an event. So it doesn't take big budgets to make a difference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsF96mvauN4
  14. too much variables to get my head around: Rims, terrain, riding style, skill level, tyre brand, tube or not, ... And if you use the search function of this forum, you'll find enough about the subject, to keep you busy for a while
  15. I've had a similar experience with my 2012 GasGas and 2008 Montesa. The GasGas is easier to balance, wheely, hop around etc... Some bikes are just easier to ride But I've sold both and ordered me a 2015 4RT, go figure
  16. Because there are a lot more (mountain)bikers and bike trial enthusiasts that can relate to Danny's skilzz?...
  17. Respect! That's some rough terrain.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHqYiqzNaAI#t=301
  19. guys


    My '75 159 has one
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