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Everything posted by guys
  1. I also wouldn't worry about the plug colour. It 's almost impossible to give carb tuning advise when you don't know if everything else is perfect and in wat condition the engine was running right before he shut the engine down. Even though it's hard to give an opinion based on photo's, I have to agree with lineaway: that cilinder has a lot of scratches for one that's only run for 3 hours. You mentioned in your first post you cleaned out the bottom end, what was in it? Maybe that explains the scratches...
  2. http://www.csgnetwork.com/oilfuelcalc.html
  3. I once followed a training on oils given by a representative from Texaco. He told us there's no need to use full synthetic oil (if it's not prescribed by the car manufacturer). Semi-synthetic is more than good enough for normal use. I must say this was about 10 eyars ago, but at that time, even the formula one team that used their oil, used semi-synthetic oil...
  4. Honda's been making 4 stroke outboard motors since 1964 (in the US sold since 1967) They've had succes with 4 strokes in road racing since the 60's. Honda just has a long history and tradition with 4 stroke engines, hell even their weed wackers have 4 stroke engines. To each his own, but I like to go with the facts and leave the speculation to others. I hope I didn't offend you, with it being christmas and all. But I'm going to shut up now, because we are way off topic.
  5. Sorry, I was under the impression we drove motorcycles, not boats or jetski''s. My mistake.
  6. Because U use the word 'mate', I'm guessing your from the UK, or at least not from the US. Spark arrestors are mainly used in the US...
  7. The only reason why 2 strokes where almost banned from motorsport had to do with the environment. (that's a fact, the rest is speculation) They pollute a lot more than 4 strokes, for instance fine dust particles. that's why 2 stroke mopeds were almost banned from Belgium roads, Or was Honda also behind this?
  8. I'm not sure I believe that conspiracy theory. Bou's bike was also well below 70 kg's and it wasn't as if Honda/Montesa couldn't win anything because the others had a weight advantage... Also, it's not in the interest of motorsport when one brand dominates the competition...
  9. I read this on the Facebook page of Trialmotor Online Trial Shop: "~ THE NEW 2014 WC WEIGHT MINIMUM is a reality ~ Motorcycles up to 125cc - 67kg (147 U.S. pounds) Motorcycles over 125cc - 70kg (154.3 U.S. Pounds) Motorcycles up to 125cc - 67kg (147 U.S. pounds) Motorcycles over 125cc - 70kg (154.3 U.S. Pounds) Seriously, we must now add approximately 4.5kg (ten US pounds) to the standard production Gas Gas TXT Replica model. Simply to meet the minimum. (much more weight to the factory team bikes) So now, the three primary European TRIAL bike companies are trying to find a way to make their bikes substantially heavier. ummmm? With the small European Trial bike companies being the world leaders in advanced design-based weight-reduction technology, and having spent incredible amounts of time and money in the constant drive for less weight. And having reduced the average weight of standard Trial motorcycles 30kg since 1990, most of us in this business find this new rule to be a slap in the face. And what is most obvious, is that this rule has been done to appease a large Asian corporation who's World Championship team are running four-stroke engines. Even with their unlimited resources of engineering, money, and exotic materials, due to the innate design differences in four-stroke engines which make these engines naturally and substantially heavier, they have been unable to reduce the overall weight of their race motorcycles. As the motorcycles used by the three primary (and thousands of times smaller) European Trial bike companies have continued to progress and now that these companies have reached a point of machine build-quality that challenges the Asian giant, we have this new rule. So, with their incredible wealth and political power, the Asian company has in some manner been able to get the rules changed to force the small Euro companies to ADD WEIGHT to their race bikes. that is all....."
  10. I hope you get it fixed in time expat_boy and merry christmas to you all. And PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND (that includes Ben and Eddie)
  11. I don't want to sound patronising, but if you have to ask for help on such basic things, you shouldn't be working on brakes by your self... (I hope i didn't offend you)
  12. The 280 is a very stable and at the same time nimble bike. I put a low compr. insert in the head and a slow throttle on it and this makes the bike smooth but powerful when you need it. I haven't lost control of it yet, if that's what you mean:-) The best power control is in your right wrist imo. But I won't be parting with my 4RT, I love it to much By the way, I used to use Castrol Scooter 2 stroke oil in my 315R which left very little deposit in the engine and exhaust...
  13. When I opened my Bultaco engine it looked even worse than that. I suspect the previous owner used that "classic" two stroke oil from Castrol that is known for leaving a muck behind in the engine... Could be something like that, or cheap two stroke oil maybe...
  14. guys

    Brake Squeak

    I wouldn't put a chamfer on the pads, this only increases dirt built up on the pads, i.o.w. a sharp leading edge "cleans" the disc when braking. The only thing I would do is, make sure the wheel bearings are o.k., clean everything (also the mounting points of the disc if it's a floating disc), put some high temp grease ( Copa slip, never seez or similar, no ordinary high temp grease!) on the back of the pads and sand down the disc.
  15. guys

    Brake Squeak

    I would sand down the disc with 60 or 80 grain sandpaper, maybe that'll do the trick (before I would glue the seals to the pistons ;-)
  16. guys


    Hi Bondy Great job on the Bultaco, looks better than new. I saw you had new lining on the wheel hub. Is this done with cast iron and where did you have it done? InMotion don't do it anymore because of rising costs and a shop in France, won't respond to my mails Kind regards Guy
  17. I would at least try to get (a part of) my money back. It doesn't hurt to try.. Or at least give him a very bad review on ebay This guy knew very well he was selling a bad bike
  18. http://www.jbanyeres.com/en/en/index.php http://www.handdracing.co.uk/ http://www.futuretrial.com/en http://www.sxsuk.com/Montesa1.aspx
  19. Euh... is this what you English call talking gibberish?
  20. manuals: http://www.gasgasmotos.es/en/manuals.html
  21. Did I mention that Montesa/Honda advised to use 80/1 in their 315R? No?
  22. OILS/FUEL MIXTURE/LUBRICATION Fuel Mixture Fully synthetic 2 stroke; 100 to 1 = 50ml of oil to 5ltrs of fuel This is straight from the Ossa website. Those guys have faith in their machines and modern 2 stroke oil ( or are they bonkers?)
  23. It can't be all that bad in the US, after all, Frank Zappa was an American
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