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Everything posted by guys
  1. A while ago someone else had the same problem. I hope this helps: http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/gallery/album/141-position-of-rubber-bashplate-cushions-on-4rt/
  2. Hi and welcome. Browse through this forum and you will be a lot wiser
  3. Nope, it's made in Spain.
  4. I had XC-Ting pants and they where top quality. It's a shame the brand doesn't exist anymore. I just bought an S3 outfit...I hope it's as good
  5. I disagree and I think joeninety alsohttp://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/47290-helmet-protection/
  6. if you can wade through a river without your feet getting wet I would call them waterproof
  7. http://www.craigsmotorcycles.com/
  8. http://www.handdracing.co.uk/index.htm
  9. Damn, that looks awesome! A trial to put in my calander
  10. Nice riding, great sections and a beautiful landscape.
  11. They must have, here's another one:
  12. I have Gearne and AlpineStar trial boots and both are waterproof when new...
  13. What I like to do on my driveway is placing the front wheel up against the wall (@ 2:50 in the video) A very good exercice for throttle, clutch and brake control and coördination, balance and position on the bike. Here's a video of me training on my driveway (I'm a lot better now of course ) (warning: Video contains extremely boring stuff) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MkJvtI2rBY&feature=youtu.be
  14. Yes it's a Honda (HRC) engine but a 2-stroke
  15. Welcome to the club! If it was me, I would get a Montesa 315R for that money. Very reliable, smooth power delivery / easy to ride and parts are cheap and easy to get.
  16. guys

    Spark Plug Torque?

    I almost always use a torque wrench on my spark plugs. I also put anti seize pasta on the threads to protect the threads but also because it contains oil, and to achieve the correct torque value the threads must always be oiled. By the way, the torque value for the 10mm spark plug of my 4RT is 16 Nm or 12 Lbf-Ft For 14mm spark plugs it's about 22 Nm or 16 Lbf-Ft But always consult your bike's manual for the correct value.
  17. These days I've been mostly practicing rear wheel pivot turns. But knowing my luck, I'll probably end up upside down in some ditch... Oooh bugger! But seriously, pivot turns on the rear wheel are more fun, don't take so much energie and look way cooler than hopping the front wheel around. Not that I've got anything against hopping the rear or front wheel, they have there use in some situations... And Zippy, almost everybody has one side in which it's easier to do some things. I find it easyer to hop the front wheel to the left, take left hand turns with my road bike and hop the rear wheel to the right. Humans are asymetrical: one boob is almost always larger than the other one too
  18. Yeh but when he's buggin and phoning them, they aren't working working on the bike, so if he leaves them to it, the sooner his bike will be ready, you know. I ain't botherred though
  19. Have you searched this forum for suspension settings? There's already a lot written about it... O well, here's something to read: http://www.gasgas.com/Pages/Technical/trials-suspension-tips.html
  20. About the uncleanable section, and for most rock garden or river bed sections with lots of rocks: Try to ride on top of the rocks (as you do), riding between the rocks will throw you easyer off balance. Also, a bit more speed in such sections helps a lot to gain balance... (excuse my bad english)
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