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Everything posted by md04
  1. md04

    Choke Runner

    magic thanks i'll give it a good clean and blast with the air hose
  2. md04

    Fantic 240 Jetting

    simple phone The Pye
  3. md04

    Choke Runner

    Hey guys my mate has a 04 290 and it only runs clean with the choke on as soon as he puts it down it cuts out have any of you had the same issues what are your thoughts. mucho gracias.
  4. Ever thought your feet are too big ha, perhaps its getting caught on the sections your doing its a tough call
  5. md04


    thanks for that i might give it a try nothing worse than a leaking seal. Did you manage to get the correct torqe pressure when locking it up?
  6. md04


    Hey guys have any of you fabricated a cartridge holding tool for the left fork leg on the 315R if so tell me please coz the proper tool is crazy expensive. thanks
  7. md04


    thanks need to get myself a manuel
  8. md04


    Hey guys what is the procedure for stripping down the left fork leg on a 315R 04 and do u need a special (honda only makes them) tool or can you buy one of the shelf. thanks
  9. Hi there i think they are quite similar i know for sure the forks are different,on 00-04 have Showa.Think the power is sharper on th newer bike too and the back brake caliper is flush with swingarm ofcourse the visual is 04 red tank and white mudguards,03 all red not sure about 02&01,i had a 98 a few years ago and it was black tank and fenders you can always check online for pictures and spec
  10. md04

    Skid Plate Wtf

    Thats it then motion carried rachet strap it is. Thanks guys 1st trial with the new bike on Sunday it will be like Toni Bou at Sheffield!!!
  11. md04

    Skid Plate Wtf

    hey guys whats up with the 315R skid plate? it came off no problem but trying to get it back on was a different story,when i tried to put it back on its like its sprung out of shape as it dosent sit flush with the mountings and looks like it will hit the cases .Has anyone else experienced this? is there an easy way as i have an event this weekend and need to get it on... thanks
  12. md04


    Hi there i use Pidcocks for parts just tell them whats wrong with the bike and they will tell you what you need parts wise, it will need the barrell rebored or replated(which ever can be done)also piston & rings,gudgeon pin,small end bearing,circlips,head gasket & base gasket.It would be wise at this stage to check for play in the big end too (side to side ok its the up & down movement you dont want)hold the conrod and try to move it up & down on the big end bearing if your unsure get someone check it over who does as it might not need done.You might want to check the condition of the main bearing oilseals,if your bike needs the big end done tho you would automatically change the main bearing and seals and any other parts that need done while the cases are split depending on the depth of your pockets. Hope this is of some use and you only need some of the above...
  13. md04

    315R Forks

    Hi, they have small scores in the stantions nothin severe but they are leaking and i assumed it was the scores were ripping up the seals ive got new seals might put them in and see if it does the trick.I was wondering if there's anyone out there that can repair the scores.
  14. md04

    315R Forks

    Hi guys anyone know of someone who can repair forks?
  15. md04

    I Got One

    You need to get a tyre with spikes,i'll check them out
  16. md04

    I Got One

    where did you get the suspension plates from?
  17. md04

    I Got One

    true that when i saw her i knew she would be mine,i felt i got a good deal too so im happy.Need to get a few bits and bobs just to bring her up to scratch, i'll check the one piston tho
  18. md04

    I Got One

    sandifords or pidcocks it is then thanks for that,i phoned sandifords to get some prices and parts seem to be quite reasonable thats a bonus nice bike and cheap parts puurfect
  19. hey Russell any joy with the shocks,when you next going riding i heard you ride not bad for a 15stoner
  20. md04

    I Got One

    Hey guys thats me in the club got myself a cracker of a 315R 2004 she's a beauty and got a powerband in every gear haha,joking aside tho is there any good mods for them like adding a sleeve to the silencer to stop it coming off and things of this nature,looking forward to see what you all come up with oh where is good for parts thanks
  21. hey there i'd check to see how it starts from cold,engine noise that sounds like it could be the bigend that sort of thing,also coolant leaks, the montys are rekoned to be pretty bulletproof and have great engines it all depends on how its been looked after.You can also check the general state of the bike things like wheel bearings,swingarm & linkage play, brakes,the headstock and throttle cable.hope this helps happy biking
  22. md04

    montesa 315R help

    Hey folks thanks for all the posts and advice on the monty's,ive got my eye on a few so hope to have one soon...
  23. md04

    montesa 315R help

    thanks for the info i had a 98 315r so i think i will have to for the newer model,i know what you mean about the cost tho and visually they dont look much different.i wish they still made new 315s...
  24. md04

    montesa 315R help

    thats great thanks for the imput,just got to find one now ha.
  25. md04

    montesa 315R help

    Hi guys hows it going was looking for advice,im thinking of getting another 315R but was wondering what year to go for,is there a stand out model performance and spec wise and do they all have the HRC engine thanks.
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