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  1. Now then, here is a question thats probably been asked a hundred times before. Unfortunately the search function is acting up. Can anyone provide a supplier and approximate cost for a programmable throttle body for a 4rt. Thanks
  2. monty-python

    Exhaust Paint

    AYE, AYE GORDON, i USE pj1 HI TEMP PAINT. It comes in matt and gloss. As previously stated it is all down to the preperation, I would get it shot blasted and zinc phosphate primered, then heat up the exhaust if possible,prior to spraying. Put the spray tins in a bowl of hot, but not boiling water, for about 10 minutes, before you spray. This will thin the paint enough, in order to get a smooth finish. See, i do have my uses!!!
  3. I have a D70S, and would thoroughly recommend it. The picture quality is outstanding, and the std 18-70 lens is excellent for motorsports A D 50 is also a great camera, and will do pretty much everything you will ever need
  4. G4321, give it a rest dude...we get the message, you have a TLr and it's worth loads it might have been be worth loads, but that's before Gordon got hold of it. His looks like the cheap honda submitted by idmcc sec ha ha yeah Gordon, stop twittering on about how much yer old rattler's worth, i'll give ye 20 quid, last offer!! My mont is the only 4 stroke from honda that's worth having, i can even change gear without a hammer, unlike your old boiler! So cast aside yer rose tinted glasses, and get with the programme!!
  5. Tories? As a moderator, i thought you might take into account the "No Politics" rule, but hopefully you are jesting! One word = Thatcher Anyway, T+Mx, Not worth buying, unless you're buying/ selling a bike IMO
  6. I'm just curious, Dagg But why did you sell your old one? And do you notice any difference with the new bike?
  7. Deer = two e's Gavin, not "ea" 9/10
  8. Shoei, they are the best, and they are vented. The vents actually work too. I am buying another shortly, my last one managed 2 trials. I put it over the end of the handlebars, while checking a section, you can guess the rest! Quite a few unpleasant words that day Paul,? 65 quid, where was that from, mine was 145 and i thought that was cheap. Buy one, and dont hang it on yer bars
  9. Let's hope so. After all, in the last however many seasons of superbikes, WSB and gp's , what has he ever one? Not much, and that's with all the top teams as well. How on earth he manage to blag his way into teams, i'll never know A couple of BSB rounds? Big deal? These old has-beens are keeping real, emerging, talent out of racing, taking up valuable rides in the championship Bye Emmet, i will bet my house he'll end up sacked before the end of the season.
  10. don't do it, i've seen his driving, its like a slightly faster version of Colin McRae world rally. How else do you suppose he makes it in 1 hour. Be afraid.......
  11. Lord Hesketh's estate, As in Hesketh, who tried to re-juvinate the british road bike building industry, (and failed miserably)Inspired by Lord Hesketh, who at the time had a background of F1 racing being the last private team to win a F1 Grand Prix with James Hunt at the wheel. Lord Hesketh wanted to use the skills and facilities built up in that pursuit to greater effect and production of a quality motorcycle was born. The Hesketh motorcycle was developed on the Easton Neston estate, the home of the Lord, with the prototype running in the spring of 1980 with, which was then a special Weslake engine commissioned for the Hesketh machine. Research, development and road testing has continued from that date on the estate to the present day. After two years of intense development it was announced to the press and partners were sort for the manufacturing. As none were forthcoming and the City was interested in investing in the venture, Hesketh motorcycles PLC was formed. In 1981-2 a modern purpose built factory was set up to manufacture the bikes in Daventry (15 miles to the north) but unfortunately due to lack of cash, start-up problems and a collapsing market, this went into receivership and ceased trading after manufacturing about one hundred V1000 models for the home market. This left the new owners without any backup and the employees without a job so the development team, which had always been based at Easton Neston, and had continued development on the machine under the support of Lord Hesketh, offered support and modifications to the bikes sold. This expanded to the manufacture of machines from 1982-4 under the name of Hesleydon Ltd. who obtained the necessary certification to sell overseas and went on to develop the Vampire after requests for a touring version of the V1000. But when the general down turn in motorcycle market started to effect sales the decision was made to cease general manufacture due to the high cost of the parts together with the fact that we could not increase our volume to implement proper production assembly methods. There , see, i'm full of useless information
  12. 10/ 44 for me, but i generally ride sections really slow, so i've been told. PTB is probably the best bet, but not cheap!
  13. I used it in both my previous 315's, no worries, sandifords recommended it to me, so it can't be bad. Maybe not quite as good as elf, but also less than half the price!!
  14. Mines a 06, it too runs rich Soot everywhere in the exhaust, and plugs changed regularly Tried standard, and mitani pipe, both full of soot. Doesn't seem to affect the running of it, i'm just curious what gives, is it a glitch with the injection system? Does the PTB sort it?
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