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Posts posted by robdyson
  1. Horses for courses it really is. Spent a couple of days on 2015 evo and found it flat at the bottom and front end heavy. That said that was personal thing it was a lovely bike. Have my 2016 st 300 now with flywheel weight on. Had a 2015 and a 2012 290 before it. The 2016 is an all round improvement to in my eyes that said go and test both see which you prefer.

  2. Just bought jitsie carbon after using Arain penta for couple of years. The Arai is super comfy but wet with sweat after first few sections jitsie was bone dry inside after full trial I'm very happy with the ventilation.

  3. I found on my 2012 290 that the nipple in the Reed case leaked causing the fuel pump to not work correctly ( i.e. the mixture leaned out , which made the throttle like an on /off switch with not a lot of modulation.also it was a pain in the a** to start. the old nipple was cut down and drilled out and a new nipple fitted , after this was done the carb needle was dropped a couple off clicks as it was over fuelling, the bike is now a totally different machine so controllable . I have Chris at Splat shop to thank for diagnostic ,

    Rob , how are you finding the 2015 300 compared to your 2012 290?

    The 300 is a completely different animal, takes a bit of getting used to, love the handling fact absolutely love it its an all rond imprd bike

  4. Just traded my 2012 290in for 2015 300. I ran on putoline nanotrans gear oil after trying a few. The clutch was much smoother and manageable it is expensive but lasts much much longer between changes. It was recommended by splatshop boys. As for niggles never had any but keeping carb clean is a big must ! Othe thing is some of the 2012 bashplates were like paper and split I replaced mine with a CSP one much stronger and same price as sherco one give or take a fiver.

  5. After a bit of caveman like spannering need a new carb for 250 mono . Has anyone fitted a carb from a 250 scorpa I have one out of a 2002. Wondering what kind of mods adjustments involved.

  6. Would second the wulf helmet comments. Really liked mine though got very hot in it and when it gets wet the shell moves around on the liner....not good so have gone opposite extreme and splashed out on arai penta. Try hebo helmet lot of guys using them cost around £80

  7. Bought my first bike last year and did couple of trials, i am complete novice. Due to old bike being a money pit have upgraded to a 290 and love it. Think most guys would tell you to put a slow action throttle on it though. Have you ridden other types of bike before?

  8. My choke is very stiff to lift aswell, i'm having problems with over use of fuel whilst it is running engine is very fluffy at low revs and empties the tank after about 4 miles of running. Like yours carb has been stripped and cleaned. going to have another look at it to see if anything worn.

  9. Thanks pete. Know what you mean about finding other jobs . Yes the bearings are expensive, as asre the fasteners found a firm called bolt me up do packages for trials bike , got 500 piece kit for £22 you can find them on fleebay. Cheers , Rob.

  10. Hi renovation of my 02 scorpa 250 is well on its way. The swingarm was looking very scruffy so have set about tidying it up, it has quite a lot of scuffing as to be expected however the old duraglit metal polish isn't man enough any tips on how to get rid of the scratches, thanks .

  11. Hi stripped down the 02 250 i've just bought and the air filter had no plastic holder or spring clip so ordered one from Birketts. Now i feel bit stupid as i can't for the life of me work out how the spting clip fits or hlds it in place. Anybody got a pic of how it goes together. Cheers

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