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  1. New sleeve gear on its way courtesy of Pete at In motion. Fingers crossed that there aren't anymore surprises.
  2. I'll check with in motion tomorrow on the off chance.They do list new gearbox components.I'll let you know Thanks for the info, a great help.
  3. I bought the bike about 9 years ago, it was in bits and about 90% "complete".I seem to remember that the vendor and his mate bought two bikes.It had crossed my mind that something might not be right, although the gearbox assembly was all together with both shafts assembled "as removed". The mainshaft has the two needle rollers which I've changed.Do you know if the sleeve gear is fundamentally the same other than the seal? The sprocket,nut,spacer etc all fit.Just wondering if I could machine a 20mm diameter recess and fit the seal?
  4. Thanks Lorenzo, I was hoping it was my eyesight but I don't think the remnants of a seal are there.I've tried feeling for an edge with an engineer's pick but can't feel anything.There is a slight bevel on the inside of the threaded end of the sleeve gear but otherwise the I/D of the sleeve gear is 18mm all the way through.Unless there was a recess for the seal I don't see how a 20mm seal will fit?
  5. Hi all, in the process of rebuilding the 191 engine.I've just gone through all the packs of seals and "O" rings to identify them all and have a couple of queries. The "O" ring set ( or the O rings with full gasket set ) comprises of 5 rings. The two large ones are No.54 on the engine illustration in the parts book (260-011) ,the smallest is No.20 on the gearbox illustration (111-028-1) which leaves two 25mm ones. One of these is No.17 on the gearbox illustration (111-025-1) but i can't see what the other one is for.......probably missing something obvious! The other problem is with an oil seal ( part No. 160-031, 14x20x3 ). This is No.45 on the gearbox illustration.I assumed this fits over the left hand end of the mainshaft and inside the outer end of the sleeve gear.The inside diameter is a good fit over the mainshaft but i don't think the outside diameter will fit in the sleeve gear. The seal O/D is 20mm but the I/D of the sleeve gear is 18mm! Again ,i could be missing something obvious! Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  6. Thanks for that Thinking about it I don't suppose it actually makes any difference as long as the whole system is changed.The electrexworld system is designed to work with the Femsa flywheel .
  7. Just about to order electrexworld ignition for the Sherpa ( 191 ). I don't need DC lighting system but it says the basic one is available in 6v or 12v. I'm embarrassed to say I'm not sure which it is, I can't see anything on it to suggest either.I has the Femsa 4 magnet flywheel which is about 98mm inside diameter.Presumably early ones were 6v, did they change to 12v....if so when?
  8. Right, diverging not converging spokes.....got that. Lorenzo, what specifically looks wrong to you? I posted the pic so that anyone could point out if I'd done something wrong, I wouldn't be offended as I'd like to do it right ( learning curve as these are the first wheels I've built).These pics and the parts manual are what I used as a guide ( I didn't strip the original wheels, they were in bits when I got the bike).
  9. Thanks for the info, that's a great help.I've just checked the original Akront rims...the front has one at about 120 degrees ( 12 spokes between valve and bolt). The rear has two.One is only four spokes away from valve and the second one 12 spokes further round but both on same half of wheel. Because I built the wheels up before I noticed I'll have to drill from inside out which will made de-burring a bit harder!
  10. Ah, I'll check that.Thanks. I'm sure the ones on my Nephew's gasgas contact were opposite though.
  11. Just rebuilt a pair of wheels for the 191.Polished the hubs,got Mike Danby to re-line them.Inmotion supplied Morad rims but I had Central Wheel Components supply spokes.I have Michelin H/duty tubes and IRC tyres + security bolts ( all from in motion) but the rims aren't drilled for the security bolts.Has anyone drilled these? Would put it opposite the valve but anything else I should or shouldn't do?
  12. inmotion don't have any but the 199 one was mentioned so it may be worth getting one to modify. Did find someone in spain under an ebay listing for 159 engines who said they would have to remove it from an engine but communication is a bit hit and miss! As for the swingarm...... the two sides of the pivot end where the bushes fit don't line up!, if you fit the bushes you cant get the pivot shaft through, how does that happen? Luckily living near Cambridge we have an excellent old school metal shop. I've got 2.5mm plate and some mild steel tube with the same inside diameter as the swingarm. So it's time to try some surgery. I'll let you know how it goes but in the mean time i'd still buy a swingarm if anyone has one spare.
  13. Desperate to get the Sherpa finished in time for the Bultaco Club UK do at the end of July. I still need an inlet manifold ( never had one as bike came in bits ) part Number 158.10-029 and the original swingarm isn't straight so i could do with that as well ( not 100% sure but think it's 159.03-002 ) if you know of anyone who has spares lying about please ask around. Any help would be much appreciated.
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