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  1. It looks like a frame that Miller had made in the late 70'. He did a batch of 10 I think.The rear gussets enlarged for the oil tank as per Sam's The swinging arm is non Ariel but it came with the frame. I remember having a good look at them in his shop but could not afford one so I made my own.
  2. If you do break the stud don't panic ! place a washer over the stud get some one to TIG weld the washer to the stud then weld a nut to the washer. It worked on a Honda Fireblade did it institue.
  3. Hi all I just want point out that I am trying to retire ! at the moment I have almost two years work to do since I said I was going to retire. I am not taking on any more work at the moment. What I have stated on my Engtec FB page. I do plan to carry on making the parts I manufacture but on my terms and offer them on my face book page as and when I have done them. I will try and support my past customers if am able to do so. All you have to do is like the FB page to know when I have made some parts. The only other items that will appear on the page will photographs and videos of the Talmag, pre 65 Scottish ETC and HT related items. The first frame left the jig in 1982 now up to 175 frames made and still counting. Thanks for all your support over the years. John Bartram
  4. Put it in the bin. Welding will distort it and distroy the heat treatment. The piston skirt is a very complex shape it is tapered,possibly barrel shaped and oval. This compensates for expansion / temperature gradent from to to bottom .
  5. I emailed requesting information and was told that my email was forwarded to the correct person. I was asking about the rear stays on the Ariel HT frame some one told me that they had to be bolt on as per original. I thought this could not be correct as then GOV 132 would not be eligable for the trial. I never got a reply.
  6. Just to let you know in the past i put oil filler the on the left side of enlarged rear gussets. Did this when Sammy sold my frames and also when Martyn Adams used my frames. John Bartram
  7. Sorry my mobile was off I was away on my hols. The only frame I make is the HT. Regards John Bartram
  8. Nikon have view NX which is free. Its also easy to put a discription of the picture in the exif data.
  9. I liked the Ebay sellers Name !!!!!
  10. The mainshaft i use is from the Ariel singles i extend the thread that holds the clutch on and trim to required length. The AJS i find is too short. I think the longer main shafts you find are from the Ariel twins and the square 4 ? Regards John
  11. As you say the standard HT Box GB47 had a what they called a wide ratio. Second gear closer to first. Third as standard ration then a jump to forth. The gears that Mick Ash had made had an extra wide ratio, jump to forth to get a better road speed. Many years ago i found a Burman box with reverse gear i found that i could use one set of the gears for third gear. My third gear was like a std road box second i could pull third in some sections.
  12. 52 inches is the number.
  13. I also asked the Electrex chaps at Telford 2012 there reply was that they were working on it.
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