LiFePO4 are used in electric bike applications frequently. Most are made of battery packs assembled from A123 cells. You can buy pre assembled packs in 24, 36, & 48v online or assemble you own. The problem is they are very pricey. From 400 to 800$US from what I remember.
I have done a little more research since my original post. All I can find are reviews of the battery for use in its intended application (replacement motorcycle starting battery). Some are good, some are bad. There seems to be a trend of failures when people deep cycle the battery. Apparently it works well if used to start your bike any kept topped up. This sounds like it would be a really bad/expensive experiment on the OSET or any EV for that matter. I personally am not going to try it.
However I am still on the lookout for a posting where someone actually tried it on an electric bike, motorcycle, scooter ect. Just to confirm my guess.
Maybe the Shoria Company guys will chime in. They have responded on other forums, but the company will not give any details on what would happen if this battery were used in a deep cycle type application.