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Everything posted by ttmoore09
  1. Okay thanks ill take a look tomorrow.
  2. Okay so im not 100% sure if this is normal or not. But i pull the throttle a tad the engine seems to die down a little bit, then when its pulled a fair bit more thats when the engine responds in a good way. Is this a problem? I find that its a problem cause if im preparing for a obstacle, the only way i can get passed it, is rev the bike to max revs for few seconds, then i can get power via the letting the clutch out... For example, Its almost not possible to start the bike up, then try and pull a wheelie without first getting the revs really high, else the engine dies if in rev it and slip clutch at same time Im really new to trials, so not sure if i can tune the engine etc somehow (how much fuel engine is getting etc) thanks
  3. Hello again (expect many more questions! hehe) Okay so today i setup some basic home obstacles, 2 foot rocks etc, (first day ive ridden trials), im clearing them easyily.. Ive been trying to work on my hopping, watched a few videos etc, Im just wondering, when you apply the rear brake do you put your whole weight on the rear brake? Because when im trying to do hops, i hold both breaks and when i pull back the wheel turns... so either my break pads are worn or im not holding break enough. To get the wheel to completely lock up i have to apply so much pressure that the break is maxed out, is this a sign of pad wear? or maybe cable needs adjusting? Thanks
  4. Hello guys, im jay I just bought a 2009 Gas Gas txt pro 280. Wondering wheres the best place to start? Also when pulling wheelies on trials do you just let the bike do the work or help throw it up? Whats the best way to learn balance etc. Cheers!
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