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  1. http://vertigomotors.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/MY2021-DL12-REPLICA-SPARE-PARTS-BOOK-250-280cc.pdf http://vertigomotors.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/MY-2021-DL12-REPLICA-SPARE-PARTS-BOOK-300cc.pdf http://vertigomotors.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/MY2021-DL12-REPLICA-OWNERS-MANUAL.pdf
  2. i personally don't mess with the gearing, but I do ride 90% of the time in first gear. but I know a couple of lads that drop the rear sprocket down to a 41t but you'll need to remove the half link out of the chain
  3. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/224399369443?hash=item343f3ea4e3:g:NnIAAOSwpaZbh62Z https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234167615907?hash=item36857a41a3:g:s4EAAOSwLBlc7n1U
  4. jsp

    How to adjust idle?

    I've always been told to adjust it on the throttle stop
  5. http://www.shopvertigotrial.com/?lang=en see if the factory will send them to you
  6. i got a box of assorted o rings and mine are fitted where the green circles are
  7. Peter just out of interest what was your previous bike to the R2
  8. have you got a link to this review ???
  9. email the factory and see if they can help aftersales@vertigomotors.com
  10. not sure why its noisy but also not sure why that would put you off buying one ????
  11. I'm on my second vertigo I did have a few issues with my 17 bike, but my 19 bike is a year old with no issues at all. I'll be having another.
  12. jsp

    Swingarm removal

    I havent collected this one yet to make sure it works, once I have I'll ask him for a price
  13. jsp

    Oil seal

    sorry the work was carried out by Vertigo Uk but I think they fitted and older style primary shaft cover with the vent build in
  14. jsp

    Oil seal

    yes that's the one, I cant take a photo as I've not got that bike now
  15. jsp

    Swingarm removal

    a friend of mine who has a lathe and a bit of spare time to make this for me which in conjunction with a m20 bolt will just pull the axis's out
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