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  1. Hi, I started a post a few days ago about this subject Is the AJP caliper you need part No 210.00.010? Will it work OK with the Grimeca MC or will that need to be changed as well? Thanks bg1965
  2. Hi Guys I have a 99 315 with the standard Grimeca brake setup and I have searched the internet to find replacement seals for the caliper. I can buy a complete new MC from ebay for a reasonable price but with no caliper for it to operate there seems little point. I have tried searching past posts but a lot of the info is outdated so I am looking for the comprehensive guide to maintaining/upgrading my brakes. Questions are: Is it still possible to find seal kits for the caliper? If not which caliper will be the best bolt on replacement? If I do have to fit a new caliper which MC will I need to go with it? I am not looking for ultimate braking performance and don't need trick parts, just a cost friendly way of getting my front brake back using parts which can be maintained in the future. Thanks bg1965
  3. Yes, said wheel is now winging its way to me. Unfortunately thats the fettling budget out of the window for now so its out with the welder and the S3s will have to wait a while. Out for a bit of practice tomorrow so I best get out into the garage and sort out the front brake. I may have some questions on that later...
  4. So I finally have some time on my hands to start giving my recently purchased 315 the once over. The first couple of things to jump out at me are the buckled and dented rear rim and the downward pointing footpegs. What is the best way to rectify the rear wheel? Can I get a replacement rim and just get it respoked? It looks like it would be a pretty easy job to do with the split spokes and flanged rim. Would it be more cost effective to source a second hand rear wheel. The footpegs are sloping down due to wear in the pivot holes on both the peg and the bracket. I was thinking of welding up the holes a bit and then re-drilling for the pin but wondered if this was a long term solution or if anyone knew of a better alternative. I am fairly handy with the tools and would prefer repair rather than replacement due to costs. Any tips would be appreciated.
  5. Hi, I gave up playing with trials bikes in the late 80's when other things started placing demands on my money, mortgages and the like. In those days I had to buy cheap and repair and my bikes included an OSSA 250, TY175 and a Fantic 240 (wish I still had that looking at the prices they go for). Anyway, my step son decided he would like to give it a go and that was all the encouragement I needed. We now have a 2006 Beta Rev 3 125 and a 99 Montesa 315R. I have a load of questions, most of which are around teaching a 14 year old to ride (and for that matter a 46 year old!!!) but I will have a good search before posting in the appropriate forum. Brian
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