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  1. Never thought of cutting the front off of one bike and welding it to another...Brilliant! This solves so many issues about mounting modern forks??!
  2. I have an 86 reflex and in vintage has been competitive. The carbs are very simple and are easy to clean. Use a bicycle brake cable and cut a strand off it. About 2-3". You can push that through the orifices. Plus use carb cleaner. I richened up the mix by installing a small washer or 2 under the main needle clip. Make sure you don't go too far or the needle will prevent the carb from closing. This was the fastest and easiest way to check if the carb is improved. No money spent....
  3. I also forgot to mention that the electric fan system was the only real problems I ever had. Thermostatic switch needed a few times. Replaced the fan twice...160 bucks ten years ago. When washing, avoid hitting the fan with water...this is common on all trials bikes. Hope this helps.
  4. Ouch...there is a small Allen head bolt on the left side top of the rad to let trapped air out...when coolant comes out, close it. To check fan, touch the two wires together at thermostatic switch at top of head when running. You may get shocked. I have had trouble finding a replacement cylinder for my techno so replating is probably the best route for you. Beta's use vertex pistons. I paid aprox 200 for mine years ago. My cylinder finally corroded away at the o ring seal and now exhaust goes into the coolant so I'm out of luck. Good luck with yours...mine was a great bike for years.
  5. Thanks. Less chance of lever breakage too haha.
  6. My clutch on both my reflex's feels grabby and only at the last 1/3 does it begin to engage. I think adding one of these would definetly add to better feel. How much length do these add to the arm if you don't mind me asking?
  7. My cable was too close to the exhaust. Cable rusted right where the exaust pipe was...plus never lubed.
  8. If removed, don't forget to plug the hole to the air box!
  9. If the decompressor was previously out of adjustment or unhooked, you can damage the ratchet assembly too. Harder to kick...harder on parts. Once I hooked mine back up, the bike was way easier to start plus the ratchet doesn't slip like it used to.
  10. PBI sprockets...up to sixty teeth! 10/50 seems best.
  11. Honda used to sell a splined spacer so as not to wear against the seal. Don't know the part # though... I just ground the holes off the sprocket retainer and used it. Circlip on outside.
  12. Thanks for the reply. The tank on your white bike appears thinner?
  13. Are you planning for a ride thanks giving weekend in Summerland? I may be able to make that one. Only have my reflex now.
  14. Just went to the outlaw site and saw October 26. I'll be working that weekend. Sorry fella. Was looking forward to it when you had it planned for okanagan falls. Maybe next time...
  15. Hi Dave Lawrence Jagodics here. When will this be?
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