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Everything posted by agricon
  1. agricon

    Tlr Mono

    Hi all I am considering building a Gollner TLR mono replica as my next "project" (just don't mention it to the wife ). However before I decide to take the plunge, I would be interested to hear from anyone who has any info and/or photos of the Gollner TLR200/250 mono. Details on the net are very limited (I managed to find two grainy photos). Info regarding the type of shock used and details around the front mounting bracket would be very helpful. I know its a long shot but maybe someone has access to some of the original parts? (I have borrowed this image from the web so I hope the owner doesn't mind.) Feel free to PM me. Any info appreciated, thanks.
  2. Hi Trev Its a small world isn't:-) Nice part of the world over on the east coast, we enjoyed living there. Getting the paint off wasn't too bad. I used paint stripper and after a few coats It came off. The difficult parts are between the fins but a bit of perseverance did the trick. Cheers Andy
  3. There must be something about TLR riders and expats. I used to live in Pocklington but moved to the land of the long white cloud 12 years ago. In my local club there are other expats riding TLR's as well:-) Hey 4 stroke honda I have just sent you a pm about your Mikuni conversion.
  4. Yes I still have it and compete frequently. The yokes did make a difference but I think the footrests made a bigger (better) difference. Overall the combination of both pegs and yokes are really good and definately make the bike easier to control/ride.
  5. You are doing a nice job:-) Did you go for the std bar or fat bar clamps? I bought the yokes with the std bar clamps but later decided to get a far bar set. The price for them was 70 pounds so I didnt bother. What are you planning to do with the tank/seat set up? I restored this one about 2 years ago. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/91515210/Red%20TLR.jpg Keep the photos coming:-)
  6. If anyone is considering this you will need to change the clutch push rod as well. The XR rod is longer but is needed so it sits in the casing correctly. You may also need to move the brass coloured plug in the main shaft. This allows the XR push rod to sit correctly by allowing it further into the shaft. TLR on left, XR on right Brass plug that needed to be moved in to allow the XR push rod to sit correctly. XR (left) and TLR casings Fitted on the bike. Hope these help.
  7. Sounds like a good result all round:-)
  8. Hi all I have a 84 TLR 200 that I bought as a project a couple of years ago. The carb on the bike when I bought it was a Keihin (see photo) and I'm interested to know if this would have been the original or if its a replacement. Also has anyone replaced their TLR 200 carb, if so what with and was it successful? thanks
  9. You need to wire the black and red from the alternator to the CDI unit and also the 2 wires from the pulse unit (in front of the front sprocket) into the CDI. (I think they are blue/yellow and green/red?) . The green wire and black wire from the CDI go the the coil. The black and white wire from the CDI unit is for the kill switch. Remember the green earth wire needs to be grounded to the frame. That all you need to be able to get it to fire. Good luck.
  10. agricon

    Fantic 201

    Hi grib I still have the original Fantic 201 handbook from my 1981 bike. The bike is long gone but I will check the book see what info it has that my be useful to you.
  11. Hi TLTELThats useful information. I will check to ensure there is not a hairline crack in the crank case. Many thanks Andy
  12. Hi Ted / GlenThanks for your replies. I guess when I posted I was just looking for a "quick fix" and maybe find an other casing for the TLR. However I now realise that's probably not going to happen. Since posting I think I have managed to source a casing from an XR200 and I will see if this fits. I think the original casing could be repaired. I just have to find someone who can do this here in NZ. Thanks again Andy Thanks Andy
  13. Hi Bashplate, Unfortunately its not as straight forward as that. What happened is that while riding over a large rock the sump guard hit it very hard. So much so that the force transferred through the guard and onto bottom foremost screw hole of the casing. It has deformed the hole and forced the casing to bend albeit very slightly but enough to now leak oil. So any welding would need to be done on the flat surface and then re-machined to give a flat face again.
  14. Hi, I am looking for some help or advice on where I may be able to get a replacement clutch casing for my TLR200. Unfortunately at a recent trial I damaged it and it now has a leak. Thanks in advance. Andy from NZ
  15. Hi, if you have a look at this link you will see what It is. http://www.thetwinshockshop.co.uk/parts.php I belive it brings 1st and 2nd gear closer together. So if used in conjunction with the right gearing (sprocket sizes) it makes the bike more user friendly through better gear selection options. I was interested to know if the improvement are really noticeable.
  16. Hi, Has anyone had any experience of riding a TLR with this kit fitted? Does it make a big difference over a standard TLR? Also has anyone fitted the kit themselves, if so what sort of job is it and how long should it take? There, I think that covers it:-) Any help appreciated, thanks.
  17. agricon

    Engine Paint

    Looks like a waste of a good tee shirt to me!
  18. Hi Glenn Old Goat nows his stuff:-) its a DEP pipe and I bought it from SM Products in the UK. Thanks Andy
  19. Here are a couple of pictures of my TLR 200. One before and one after restoration.
  20. Thanks for your reply, Unfortunately I've already cut them off and dumped them I
  21. Hi all, I am looking for a little help with my daughters 2007 16. 24v. I recently purchased a new throttle assemble for the bike from the UK as we don't have the dealer network here in New Zealand. The original throttle. The new assembly. The dealer sent me the newer version assembly with a different connector but also the corresponding connector half to replace the one on the bike. After fitting the new part I found that the bike runs fine but the LED display on the throttle is not illuminated. Has anyone come across this before? I am wondering if I missed something or have received a faulty throttle assembly possibly? The dealer stated that this throttle would be OK and the wires and wire colours do correspond. Thanks in advance
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