That is sick! keep up the great work, looks like an amazing place to ride.
hi all, I recently had this problem on my 125, the clutch case had bent so I upgraded to a 2013 clutch case that was a lot thicker and I also put in a new gasket yet I still seem to have a little bit of oil leaking on to the sump guard. Any ideas on how I can solve this? Also, where could I get a 2013 model sump guard?
take the front wheel off and see if it is just one of the fork legs? maybe the spring has collapsed/snapped? i'm not sure?
stickers? maybe go on the sherco owners manuals page on the sherco website and see which one looks like yours? frame number?
how about hebo neoprene gloves?
Organised night time trial? All riders pay a fee that will go towards children in need. Just a suggestion
Hi all,
I recently attended a british national acu youth trial and noticed quite a few of the lads there were in vans that had been kitted out with an area for the bikes in the back and a storage area above, then an extra set of seats behind the drivers seat. I cant find anything on the internet and i wondered if anyone would be able to post a picture of their van to give me an idea as im really looking into doing one of my own. Also could anyone give me some ideas of what van would be best to start off with.
craigs motorcyles in Dewsbury have a few of them
Hi, the clutch only seems to engage when the clutch lever is fully released when I have the lever set to my personal reach.
Hi all,
I have recently bought a 2012 Sherco 125, it is fitted with a formula clutch master cylinder. My 2008 Sherco had an ajp master cylinder on the clutch side and the biting point was way different than that of the formula clutch. The formula clutch only seems to 'properly bite' when the lever is fully released yet on the 2008, the clutch 'properly bites' when the lever is around half way released (with the ajp master cylinder). with the formula's different biting point it makes it very hard to properly control the bike and perform things like 'double blips' like I could with the 2008. Are there any solutions on how I can adjust the biting point on the formula clutch?
All help would be very much appreciated!
Hi all, where could I get some clice Sherco gear from like MRS uses? I have looked everywhere but I have had no success.
Is the Sherco branded gear just the same as the clice gear? Thanks.
Hi all, what is the best 2 stroke oil to petrol ratio for a sherco 125 2012?
Is it possible to fit a lanyard killswitch to a sherco 125 2012 whilst being able to keep the headlight? if so, how?
Any help would be much appreciated.
checker plate would be nice
Hi all,
since getting a gopro for christmas and not having the chance to use it yet, when i do use it i want to get the best angles first time, so what angles work best/where is best to mount it?
No, I got the silver edition GoPro as it didnt cost as much as the black edition, that meant I could get some other styff too!
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I will try my best!
s3 hardrock aluminium pegs and a GoPro HD Hero3 !!!
Thanks Santa!!
Hi all,
a few years back before I got into trials, i went to kettlewell in the uk and it just so happened that there was a trial going on whilst I was there, it looked quite a good trial and I wouldnt mind competing in it but I cant find any information on the net about it, can anyone help?
Thanks. And merry christmas to all!
Hi guys, I am looking for some good mods for my sherco 125 2008, any ideas?
Castrol ATF works well in my sherco, not that expensive too
Hi guys, thanks for the replies, hopefully there will be more videos like this soon
Hi guys, thanks for the replies, hopefully there will be more videos like this soon