yeh really want to get to the screw but cant because the airbox is so tight, I cant get it off, and if I do i'll be afraid I cant get it back on properly
Hi all , i've recently fitted a new ohlins shock to my sherco 125 2008 but the shock was a very tight fit and is very close to the airbox making it hard to remove and fit, is this normal?
ok thanks taffe if the plugs dont work i'll maybe use rivets?
Hi all,
since getting an ohlins, I really want to stop it getting coverec in grit and mud all the time, is it a good idea to rivet some rubber innertube to the airbox, then covering the holes with silicone?
hi, yeah the wheel is centre I will try the cable tie
How about cutting a bit of innertube to size then riveting it to the airbox, then putting some silicone over and around the rivets to stop water getting in??
Hi Guys,
Since fitting a stand to my sherco 08, the spring seems to rub on the tyre, does anyone else have this problem? Also how could I fix it?
Hi all,
I am 14 and will be receiving a second hand ohlins shock soon due to the olle one on my sherco 125 collapsing and being beyond repairable. And I wondered how the shock would need to be setup? Any help would be great!
Hi all,
Will a 2011 ohlins sherco shock fit on my sherco 125 2008?
Any suggestions on where i can get some good vinyl from?
Hey guys,
Ii know it sounds a bit OTT but what are your thoughts on putting some clear vinyl sheet over the top of the stickers on my bike to try and protect them? Think it would work?
Hi all,
The shock on my sherco 125 2008 seems to be bottoming out really easy all of a sudden (I can easily push the bike all of the way down) dont know what to do! Any Advice???
Hi 'taffe' which pegs did you use, aluminium or steel? Thanks
Hi all, thanks for the replies youve given, think i'll go for some s3's. should I go for steel or aluminium? Thanks
Hi guys, thanks for the replies So would the problem be fixed with a new set of pegs then?
Any thoughts on the Aluminium S3 Hardrock's with the grub screws?
Hi Guys,
The pegs on my sherco 2008 look to be drooping down quite a bit, I took them off and noticed that the holes on the frame where the bolt goes through look to be non-circular. Is this why they are drooping a bit, if so how can I fix this?
Hi Guys,
I'm 14 and a bit of a newbie to trials and wondered if my forks need to be adjusted at all to suit my weight as I noticed an extension adjuster and a rebound adjuster on the top of my fork legs?
Hi copemech thanks for the reply would ryp usa ship to the UK? thanks
Yeh tried splatshop website but they just have plain clice ones instead of the sherco ones
Hi thanks for the reply but I live in the UK not america, also they dont seem to sell actual 'sherco' gear, thanks anyway
Hi there,
Where can I get some official sherco clothing and about how much would it be?
As long as you believe you can do something and try hard enough, you probably will be able to do it in the end-up
Why not save £16 and just buy one of those neoprene compression things you can get from the pound shop that are supposed to be worn when you have an injury, you could just cut it up to size and sow it back up. 'Simples'.