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Everything posted by 74tacoalpina
  1. Thanks for the info! I am certian there is no blockage on the pilot cir. as it flows well on the bench and idles well, so I was assuming ignition because off idle to full i have no response..... shouldn't the main jet take over aroud 2/3 open????? and yes main is clear as well.... as far as gearing goes I dont mind having no top end speed because I will just be plunking around my 5 acre trials course, as such still have had a hell of a time finding sprockets, called everyone i could think of ie.. sprocket specialist, afam, renthal...etc so any other help would be great!!!
  2. Alright so yesterday I tore the pina apart and gave it a good carb cleaning fluid change and overall inspection. and as such am left with a few more questions, 1st) can anyone tell me more about how my vin decodes? it is PB11501532 and motor is PM11501532 What is the difference in the numbers?????, 2nd) who makes sprockets for the 74 bultacos? looking for a while and getting frustrated lmfao!!!!, 3rd) it idles great but coughs and will not rev at all, I suspect it is an ignition issue, points condernser and or timing<-------....... 4th) for this gen what would be required for a proper sherpa conversion? Thanks for all the help guys!
  3. Thanks guys! I was looking for a relining shop and dropped the shoes off this morning, 3 more days until I can take the first ride ....... As for gear and primary fluid I have changed them and was curious how to check the levels as to insure there is always the proper amount.. and on another note, should the fuel tank be coated inside with resin before resealing?
  4. Hey guys, I just picked up my first bultaco a model 115, 74 Alpina 250, and am having a heck of a time locating some rear brake shoes.... If any body knows of a source for these in the U.S. please let me know. I wouldn't even mind if they are used, lol!!! on a side note how do you verify proper gear and primary case oil levels (there has got to be a way other than drain and measure, ?? I hope....)
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