It does, but at £25 a litre the ever careful trials guys looks for an alternative. I have settled on Rock Oil light as my choice. Plenty of threads in the past discussing this matter though.
In the days when I observed at the Scottish we were briefed that scores were not to be revealed to riders or spectators, only to other officials or accredited Press, so no problems with "knowledgeable spectators" or over excited riders. Has that changed?
It was known that some observers had "favoured riders" with more local observers being firm but fair to all. Even in those days before every man and his dog had a camera it was not an easy job.
I did however witness an example of poor (and unfair to preceding riders) observing this year. A winner from a few years ago, as it happens (but not this year's winner), pitched up at a section and, having ascertained that the observer was a pal from his locality, proceeded to move two very large awkwardly placed boulders from his chosen line with no subtlety whatsoever. I half jokingly asked the observer what the penalty for that was (it's classed as a failure and therefore a 5 in Standing Regs in case you wondered) to be met with a silent scowl. No doubt from which to give benefit in this case.
There's nobody on here, including me, who hasn't put a foot on a rock in the hope it might move but taking the p*** is something different and should be dealt with accordingly. I recall such an incident years ago on Pipeline where, every time the observer's back was turned to view a competitor, a rider moved a rock, then the observer put it back. This went on for a while until an onlooking Steward took the rider's number and he was called to appear before the panel that evening. I daresay he was more circumspect for the rest of the week.
With reference to no stop I have been very impressed, since the rule change, with younger riders' ability to flick the back end round on the front brake whilst still maintaining revolution of the front wheel.
You need to pull the silencer apart to really see. Or try the silencer off the other bike?
When I got my 09 the previous owner had taped two of the vents from beneath. I just taped over the other two likewise and it does not seem to have affected the flow of air to the intake - witness the bike runs fine at high revs and the amount of muck still reaching the filter points to plenty of air available despite sealing well the gap at the mudguard - and the tape stays put.
I am told that tiger seal is very good, it might cure the problem of mesh coming loose.
Have these become available again do you know?
Googling green Montesa seems to indicate this bike may not be unique.
Police Scotland can't even afford petrol for their cars let alone pursue such low priority stuff.
Not bad considering Gary made it the Scottish Eight Days.
By throttle tamer I assume you mean a slow action throttle. The 200 should be so equipped as standard - rideability is, after all, the reason for the existence of the 200.
They're all like that Sir. Spanish engineering.
The gearing can readily be lowered.
Indeed, though it is the only reference to the matter in the rules, and I think I effectively covered courtesy in my original reply. However I would contend that the point is you get to ride the rest of the section so you know what to do the next time round, generally with no real time effect on others, who are usually blethering anyway.
Perhaps the rules should state that.
The wording just used to say "engine stops", which seemed harsh to me as anyone skillful enough to restart without putting a foot down/stopping should not be penalised. Good to see the rewording.
All we need now is a definition of what the AMCA mean by "back wheel" in relation to being out of a section. ACU reference to wheel spindle is much clearer and use of front wheel is easier to judge in this day of self-observing.
That's not my interpretation of TSR 18.
Too much to cope with having brakes on a trials bike?☺
TLS I see. I take it you like going backwards down hills☺
Correct. Rider is entitled to ride the whole section after fiving (whether I am riding or observing) in my book. Subject to not taking a ridiculous amount of time and holding up the trial.
My 250 suddenly developed a problem where it would not rev out but popped and banged with black smoke issuing forth. A new temperature sensor sorted it - the ECU thought the motor was colder than it was so richened the mixture. An easy swap to try if you know well any of the many 4RT owners in Central Scotland. Coincidentally (or not) the fan relay failed at the same time.
Electrex World do one for it, not cheap but less expensive than buying a used one that breaks down after two events?
Aye, you can't afford to be too precious about things but I got a sheet of stout rubber mattting from a local manufacturer which brings all the muck out with it on removal and stops the water soaking the carpet afer a wet trial.
I found only one rear seat had to be removed and a timber arrangement as you suggest filled the footwell to prevent the wheel sinking making removal of the bike much easier. A strap round the top yoke and wheel spindle to compress the fork slightly before lifting it in prevents roof lining damage.
Recommended ratio by Beta was 70:1for semi-synthetic when I had a Rev3. It lasted 12 years on that before I sold it with no signs of wear. This year's "must use" oil will change next year when a bike manufacturer gets a new oil sponsor so don't get too hung up on make of oil (but I'd avoid supermarket own brand☺).
Back in the day Montesa boxes could be problematic - too many shims, where Bultaco did a good box that only had one shim.
Might be worth a strip and check if you're fussed.