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Everything posted by 2stroke4stroke
  1. I think that is effectively what the spacer achieved, by moving the windings further inwards over the magnets.
  2. Can be done apparently. I think it's H&D that have a spacer for the generator that supposedly allows a slow tickover but I have never heard of anyone trying one. Correction, I think it was here www.montesa4rt.nl which seems to be no more. They had lots of useful info too. Can any of our Dutch members tell us what happened? And indeed if the spacer worked.
  3. I'm not a gambler, never having placed a personal bet in a bookies, so wouldn't be inclined to take a punt on a stator from a breaker. At least a professionally sorted one will work, and for a reasonable time.
  4. Some folk can really mess up a bike's running now, with just a screwdriver. Goodness knows what sort of a state they could get one in to if let loose on an ECU.
  5. When the 4t first came out a friend had problems with the bike not running properly. Turned out he was unaware of the hot start button and (I can't remember which way now) has assumed it was the choke and was running with the choke on all the time, or vice versa. Worth checking they are both in the correct setting?
  6. If you're going to use those on a Bantam then Uncle Bunt would be the man to advise☺
  7. Try East Scotland Trials Forum, the answer will be there.
  8. Not overly popular in the day (it didn't seem to outperform a TY which was the standard clubman bike) probably due to the high pricetag. From threads on here over the years I gather parts are somewhat hard to come by now, to say the least. I'd have one if I was a collector but it's probably not a practical proposition for regular use.
  9. If it's only a weep you might get away with just cleaning behind the seal. Plenty videos, I'm sure.
  10. 2stroke4stroke


    I suppose, given that most people immediately remove the headlight, there must be scores of more modern headlights lying in sheds the length and breadth of the country. Worth a "wanted" advert? Might not be the appearance you want but presumably you'll only have it fitted for the occasional event.
  11. You jest but, decades ago, a pal put the bottom half of his Yamaha racing motor below the bed for winter storage. The evident rust come springtime was due to the cat having "used" the crankcase. When he told us this I don't think he realised what it said about the state of his room that he hadn't noticed the smell when it happened.
  12. I suppose I would have to concede that an almost frictionless chrome surface would not be any worse than the cast iron lined brakes on Bultacos I rode as a teenager☺
  13. I always found it interesting/amusing that other manufacturers used chrome on cylinder bores to reduce friction (as well as increase bore life) . Bultaco used it on brake drums...........
  14. But then the air in the crankcase cools down and condenses again?
  15. I am not an ACU basher and appreciate, and agree with, all that you say but has there been an invitation to take part in this consultation which does cover all areas of the UK? If our voice is not included in this debate on national policy (including funding for landowners) and an undesirable principle on access is established then local issues may well cease to be a concern, for the wrong reasons.
  16. This week sees the Government launch a consultation on post-Brexit agricultural subsidies with an accent on recreational access. Several groups see this as a chance to increase their access to "the countryside", no doubt at our expense. There must be officials from both ACU and AMCA on here - can they tell us if these organisations have been invited to take part and, if not, what steps are to be taken to ensure our voice is heard?
  17. I was thinking piston/head contact☺
  18. Nice bike indeed, and all the more so for still having the original tail silencer as opposed to one of those horrible sounding alloy jobs that they usually have by now.
  19. There's fifth and sixth as well you know☺
  20. I was there and rode both versions of the 125, as well as the 250. It must be eight years since I last had a shot on a 125 (a Sherco) and I owned a 200 Beta up until a couple of years ago. In that context there is a lot more bottom end on the latest 125s compared to that Sherco and, obviously, less crankshaft/flywheel inertia than the 200. I was able to ride the 125 in my old fashioned style without resort to any more use of the clutch than my 4RT (but used for very tight turns as normal) at just under 12 stone in my day clothes and it fairly flew up the bankings. I was impressed with the ability to use second and third gears. Dry going but it felt like grip would not be a problem in the wet. The two models have different carburetors and suspension and did feel slightly different but the Raga had seen some use whilst the One was fresh out the box really so how much of that was down to specification differences and how much to the One being not yet loosened off and carburetion settled I can't say. I was forced to get a 125 when Fantic stopped the 200 and never really got on so well with the 125. Compared to the 200 Beta, I'd have a 125 TRS quite happily but qualify that by saying I did not get a chance to cross any moors so don't know how it would maintain speed with me on it, and I do enjoy a blast over the hill.
  21. 2stroke4stroke


    I was doing some research, on something else, in the attic but came across this. I assume somebody's wife was called Susan but can't recall what year this would have been - has anyone any recollection of the history of these machines? Described as "competitive" but, strangely, the twinshock class is not awash with them now
  22. Thanks guys - problem solved. Corrosion in the connector to the relay. The only connector I did not clean and grease when I got the bike as I didn't know it was there.
  23. I have an 09 model, owned for nearly three years. At my last trial it started kicking out black smoke and misfiring when revved. It was suggested that the temperature sensor sometimes fails and causes this. That the fan would subsequently come on from stone cold seemed to confirm this diagnosis. I have just fitted a new sensor but the fan still comes on from cold and, after ten minutes running in the garage, is not switching off. I have not had a chance to ride the bike but clearly a cure has not been achieved, though such revving as I have been able to give it shows no black smoke. There is no sign of physical damage to wiring etc to have caused a short circuit to keep the fan running. Has anyone experienced this and able to offer a possible solution? There's plenty coolant in the system. This may not be relevant but when I first got the bike the fan seemed to be on a lot of the time; I think this is just a 4RT characteristic, though I had thought the fan was not coming on so frequently in recent months but there was no sign of overheating so I put it down to my imagination.
  24. While you're at it may as well take a file to the serrations and sharpen them up a bit.
  25. Do you really need a gasket? A smear of silicon usually does the job.
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