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Everything posted by 2stroke4stroke
  1. Try dragging the brake until it is (not too) hot then spray water on to it. This should improve the bite, assuming pads are in good order.
  2. Why bother lowering the gearing if you're not inclined to use the bottom gear you have? Your calcs on the torque may well be correct in theory but that's not how it works in practice. How would it help a beginner? Try a third gear section in bottom and see how "soft" the motor feels. You probably won't get up it but it will demonstrate the beneficial effect of a lower gearing. It goes against theory but is the usual way to calm something down.
  3. I see the ABI have this week said that the necessary arrangements are "unworkable". I suppose that pretty much guarantees that the Government will introduce them as they stand, ignoring any consultation. As they have done historically with other matters.
  4. Don't fix what ain't broke perhaps? Given the problems many seem to encounter with the diaphragm clutches maybe Beta feel that those riders comprising their market don't need the supposed performance improvement for the type of sections they ride? World Champ technology is not necessarily better for all.
  5. The link may not work but if you go to the website then you should be able to get that issue.
  6. But how many of those incidents involved someone taking part in a trial? Anyway, a week after e-mailing the ACU to alert them to this, not even an acknowledgement so I suppose there won't be any action from them on the matter.
  7. Whilst I own a 4RT, I have only had a brief shot on a 4 Ride. It was the dealer's personal machine and had a few modifications (but I can't recall what they were beyond lowering the gearing to get better response for crossing ditches etc ). I have to say that on the section type going, which was all that was available at the small venue, I felt a bit nervous being perched up on what felt like a high seat (my enduro days were a long time ago) with the longer suspension compared to the 4RT. I'm not convinced Senor Bilbao didn't have the trials suspension at the Scottish. For use as a trail bike the biggest weakness is standard top gear being the same as the 4RT meaning that 50 is the comfortable top whack on the road for extended periods, for one of my mechanical sensibilities, (other folk may well disagree) which is not so useful/safe depending how much and what type of roads you have to use. I'd really not want to be a mobile chicane for idiot motorists on the typical 60 limit roads.
  8. I suggest you visit next weekend's Lothian 2 Day near East Saltoun (details on the Lothian club website). As you are obviously not in the first flush of youth, going by your Land Rover experience, I'm intrigued to know why you chose to go for such a small motor.
  9. If you grease the gasket before use there's a better chance of it not tearing.
  10. It already has been passed, it's an EU Regulation. The Government is consulting on how it is implemented, ie our chance to have a say and perhaps get the undesirable aspects ameliorated a bit. Speak now or forever hold thy peace, as the saying goes.
  11. Number 4. The chain runs very close to the rear brake pivot. Make sure the countersunk bolt is tight. Also fit the chain link with the spring link on the inside of the chain.
  12. Perhaps a reminder that you have a 1997 Gas Gas JTX 270 will allow those with experience of the bike to reply usefully?
  13. Lopez, this is the next lot, and stripping off will render the machine non-type approved and therefore not allowed on the road.
  14. Isn't there already an electric start Gasser somewhere in the range? Just checked, there is. Might not be the very latest spec but has to be better than giving up if you're struggling to kick it.
  15. No problem. Bikes have varied so much year to year that it is not possible to generalise about one capacity or the other (250 or larger) within makes, let alone across them.
  16. Agreed. How many motorists are happy stuck behind a 30 mph trials bike?
  17. Severe penalties proposed for manufacturers who fit "defeat devices" so you won't be circumventing the type approval requirements that easily. And bikes up to 125 to have linked brakes.
  18. The law defining what is an electric pedal cycle is very clear. Such a device can be altered and it then becomes a motor vehicle and hence, like an electric trials bike, not allowed under the 2003 Land Access legislation. Even the most myopic rambler could tell the difference between a bicycle with a well concealed (as they are) electric motor and an electric trials bike.
  19. As far as I can tell from the web an SWB Transit (pretty much standard bike transport in UK) has a load bay over 2.5 m long, with the crewcab version being 1.94 m. I get two trials bikes in a Doblo car with a load bay 1.6 m long.
  20. Might I draw your attention to this https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/motorcycles-implementing-eu-regulation-1682013 , the relevant part being the application of type approval to trials motorcycles "used on the road". Those used purely in competition will be exempt. There seems to be a complete lack of understanding that the two are not mutually exclusive and that type approval for bikes used in road trials will apply. There are few enough of these events as it is but we don't want to see any, particularly the SSDT, disappear due to lack of suitable bikes. Perhaps a public response pointing out the anomaly might do something. I note that the ACU are not amongst those organisations consulted. It would be useful if an ACU person reading this could take up the issue.
  21. I see, trapezeartist, that there's a 280 Scorpa in the adverts section. A bigger motor but I have ridden that model of Scorpa and was amazed at how docile it was. Certainly as easy to ride as my 200 Beta from the power point of view, which may give you even more to think about.
  22. It would seem highly unlikely that they would use different fluids on one bike.
  23. I'll second Breagh's opinion. One of the common problems I notice (even on the bikes of some very experienced riders) is drooping footrests. A dab of weld would bring them back to horizontal, or just above. If you are concentrating on keeping your feet on slidey rests you will be diverting from what you should be concentrating on, not to mention the possibility of a fall.
  24. The good news trapezeartist is that you can fit two bikes in your car.
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