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Everything posted by 2stroke4stroke
  1. Aye, at that price it would have to have full registration docs (it would almost certainly have been registered when new). Always wary about bikes being sold by car dealers, perhaps unreasonably so. Many riders would want to spend money modifying that one for current trials use as it seems bog standard so probably too dear.
  2. I use a Rock Oil light gear oil in the gear box. Works well and was the recommendation of the man who knew more about the 4RT than anyone else in Britain I should think. Any good 10/40 will suffice for the motor, full or semi.
  3. There's also the matter of driving without insurance, which could affect your driving licence. Do you need it for work?
  4. Aye, and if you keep the other end of the broom you can sweep the floor at the same time.
  5. The early 200s were sleeved down 250s. Later models had plated bores but I don't recall any mention of being based on the 125. Presumably the difference might have been in the gearbox ratios if so?
  6. At £185 for two resprays you're only depressing us anyway☺
  7. Related in as much as two herren set up in business after the war, can't recall if Lidl or Aldi. There was a later schism resulting in the other name.
  8. I use a wireless one that cost less than ten pounds (whatever that may be in dollars) from Lidl (a German supermarket brand in the UK). Works fine with sender halfway up the slider.and screen on bars. No need to buy an expensive Cateye etc.
  9. I used to wear trousers outside in the days of trials wellies. They did have a propensity for catching on the footrests when going for a dab, with undesirable consequences.
  10. I wouldn't rely on the veracity of any weight claims by a manufacturer.
  11. There's probably many out there, but a clue as to where you are might assist them.
  12. My experience with the 4RT is that the last thing it needs is a fast action tthrottle, but I do ride in an old fashioned style. Let us know how you get on.
  13. The mod is because the carb on the two stroke has a bit of a downdraught and is sensitive to float level. That on your bike is more or less horizontal so should not be a problem (though any carb has to be correctly set). There is a hot start mechanism but I am not familiar with it - the manual can be downloaded.
  14. Be aware that a 30mm riser will not give a vertical bar height increase of 30mm on the Montesa, it gives 30mm at 90 degrees to the face of the clamp. Thus they move the bars back as well as up. This may solve your problem or it may introduce another issue.
  15. At least compare the spacer with a new one. Or it could be that the bearings have not been fully seated in the housing which would have a similar squeezing effect. Try drifting them in a bit?
  16. What have the other 4RT owners on the Island over the years done for this, and the silencing issue?
  17. If the spacer between the besrings has compressed slightly (I've known it happen) or has not been replaced when the bearings were changed then you will be putting a loading on the bearings when you tighten the nut on the spindle.
  18. Stick some duct tape over it and borrow a bicycle computer for the MOT test - tbe easy answer.
  19. The 05s had various bungs in the exhaust in two or three places but if your MoT man is that fussy then they wouldn't make enough of a difference.
  20. BBC news this morning - farmers and landowners will have to earn their subsidies after Brexit by way of looking after the environment. The last time (about ten years ago if I remember) that legislation was introduced along those lines venues were lost with no apparent involvement from "our" side. Let's hope that this time round the ACU engages with the Authorities at an early stage to prevent a calamatous effect on the sport.
  21. Actually, there was a Haynes manual for "Bultaco Competition Bikes". I happen to know where there's one still in the sealed wrapper. Covers Alpina '72 to '75, though published in '79 so does this imply no Alpinas after '75?
  22. Actually, if you just keep the clutch held in as you go up the box it will probably release as you hit fourth.
  23. Evening "almost all sections" Why change and leave yourself lacking for the rest, few though they be? You've paid for six gears in the box and you probably don't feel the need for a higher sixth so use second as suggested above. You don't really want SSDT (11) gearing for the average section; they are a bit straighter that week so first can be higher than normal. I'm sure you'll get used to it as it is.
  24. Now there's a rule change that might make more of a difference than no stop - all bikes to arrive at the trial in the equivalent of a mini pickup :-) Seriously though, isn't it about time the FIM, if it seeks any environmental credentials at all, did something about a 70 kg bike being hauled round the world in a massive truck doing what must be single figure mpg? Never mind electric bikes, that's not where the real issue is. I'm not a follower of car sport but aren't there "rules" there which are supposed to have some sort of environmental effect, even if only nominally. Couldn't motorcycling do something that actually would have an effect.
  25. If that's the chrome framed, Russian engined, RTX from thirty-odd years ago then I think you will be out of luck. Not many were sold and I doubt if spares supply was great even then.
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