That's more or less what I thought but up my way they always have a completely separate course of a much reduced severity so no mingling.
Despite all the above I have to say I seldom see queue jumping these days. The only mildly irritating time was at a Yorkshire event last year when the entire Oset entry would pitch up at a section and expect to just immediately go through as a group. Clearly that was the way the organisers ran things so that "minders" could work as a team, so not queue jumping as such.
Before I got a proper trials rider's car like a Berlingo I was without a trailer for a while. I used to remove back wheel and slip the forks and wheel out to fit the bike in an Astra hatchback, so anything is possible if you can stand the messing about but you don't really want to be doing that.
My Doblo has a load area 1600 by 1200 wide; the bike sits diagonally and just fits. I don't know how long the Agila is but it looks narrow so there may not be enough width to get a sufficient angle to fit a bike in.
Sorry I can't give specific advice but the above might be a guide for you if nobody replies.
Can't the Beta importer answer the questions?
But the van has a bulkhead which prevents the forward movement of the seats giving a little more room.
I assume GTX appeals because it is not overpriced to the same degree as motorcycle oils?
May well be OK but the 4RT, I feel, runs a lot hotter than a car and with not much oil in the sump so I prefer bike oil. On the other hand, at recommended change intervals, it's not in there for long. No doubt more technically qualified contributors will be on soon.
Tesco can be a source of Castrol bike oil at a drastic reduction.
My Bultaco rebuild days are ancient history now but I used a guide from one of the weekly papers that had been written by some guy name of Miller; I believe he rode a Bultaco. Drift mains in to heated casings then tap crankshaft in to place.
Nobody had a domestic freezer then so the question did not arise.
How much overlap does that leave?
I recall a section at the Forfar club's Aberfeldy 2 Day caused queueing problems to the extent that the pushers in were actually in the section before they set off. The observer just docked them a five for being stationary.
Another one of them forced in front of me as I was letting the clutch out to enter the section - fortunately there was enough width that I was able to overtake him in the section. Don't think he was happy with that five.
Next time I want to sell a bike I will engage you as an agent Mark. If you can sell an Ossa with the sales pitch you've used here then you can sell anything☺
I always just laid mine on its side if there were no rocks, fences etc - it's what the petrol tap is for.
Before getting the tools out it may be worth trying the trick of dragging the brake to get the disc hot then spraying with water. Cost is two minutes of your time so no great loss if it does not work.
That's correct. If you remove the other seat you can get two in - one nose first, one backwards. I made a box to fill the footwell which makes it much easier as the front wheel does not then need to be lifted out.
The gas valve is the slide. You have a small difference in needle jet (sprayer) and main jet.
I was typing this as suzuki's reply came in and was about to say see how it runs before changing anything. But I am not familiar with the difference in carb types though the numbers might indicate that yours is intended for a four stroke, but as it has a pilot jet then perhaps not.
I wondered if the full story had not been stated. The announcement is certainly badly worded if that is the case.
I don't pay too much attention to the detail of WTC rules so it may not be a change after all but, if it is indeed the case as per the announcement on the front page, then I wonder how the requirement for Trial 2 that effectively bars Montesa from the class went down at HQ in Barcelona.
Or will they unveil the occasionally rumoured two stroke?
Going to? It should have them as original equipment. The DIDs of the day were known to corrode internally in some cases but a new rim of any make should not have that problem.
I wouldn't trust the revcounter on one of those meters. Still, you won't have to worry about it for long - I don't think I have come across one that lasted more than half a dozen trials.
The cars we are talking about are specifically designed to have the seats removed for load-carrying purposes. What that load should or should not be is not mentioned in the handbook. If adequately secured there should not be a problem.
Have a look on some mountainbike forums to see the surprising number of bikes that can be similarly carried, along with the gear for a fortnight camping abroad, and the riders.
Collyolly omitted to mention that you chuck the red washers in to cold water to complete the annealing process.
If it was legal then it will be legal now. I can't remember when the law changed back to allow non-metal tanks but you should be OK. You'll never find one of the alloy under tanks I'm sure, but they were prone to cracking anyway.
Front brake linings must be near disappeared to judge from the angle of the arm, assuming a standard length cable.
Apico seem to do Grimeca levers - available from many dealers.
I have run my 4RT on both normal unleaded and super unleaded - can't tell the difference in performance and no signs of bad running - presumably the ECU sorts it out. The Rev 3 definitely appreciated the super.
Hunting was not required to have insurance which the industry said it could not provide, which is what we are facing. The new interpretation of the law has to be implemented - somebody will have to be persuaded to fight to get a reasonable way ahead.
How many MPs do you think would be quite happy to see this as a way of getting rid of off-road motorcycling at last?
You are right, the petition, at the moment, is worth not a lot but letters to MPs might do something.
I see the petition has now crept up to 13,000 signatures. It needs nearly ten times that number before the issue could be recommended for discussion in Parliament. I can't see it reaching that with current apathy levels.
The future does not look rosy. Best visit the Scottish this year if you haven't been before.