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Everything posted by 2stroke4stroke
  1. Just as well we never experience seriously reduced visibility at the Scottish? I think you might have problems with flashing rates on the indicators, especially if the brake light was on at the same time, if the tester was picky (I once had a bike fail due to no split pin in the rear wheel spindle but apparently the same "fault" at the front was not worthy of comment - he said he hadn't noticed) but you could possibly wire in a small battery, though where you might put it I don't know, for test purposes only. As far as I am aware the change in law that exempted "off road" bikes from the need to have indicators but, with lights, still get what is colloquially known as a full MOT is still extant. I don't know what use you intend to put the bike to but, up this way, there'd be a very slim chance of it still being there on your return if you left it parked anywhere, locks notwithstanding.
  2. It did mention the name of the disc manufacturer. The bulk of the relative front/rear weight distribution must be down to the rider weight and footrest position so perhaps not seen as being as consistent or important as on a fast road bike placed on the scales?
  3. A lot of that info seems to be available via a link on the Gas Gas UK website. Don't think I have ever seen any manufacturer give a fore/aft weight distribution figure.
  4. I seem to remember in the UK, pre VAT, my pal's new Bultaco motor came in a separate box, and was a different number from the frame.
  5. Stick them in a black poly bag in a reasonably consistent temperature. Out of light and ozone.
  6. According to the Honda blurb it is the crankcase decompressor that has brought about an additional reduction in engine braking on the 2017 model. I have an 09 and wouldn't want any less engine braking than that offers, but then I ride in an old fashioned style.
  7. Funnily enough I saw Uri Geller mentioned on a front page through the week but it would be strange if he had picked on someone in NI.
  8. It's in its genes. Every Bultaco owner had a length of scaffold pole to straighten the rear subframe and swingarm? But seriously, sounds like it must have hit something - did you give anyone a shot on it?
  9. From memory the Kangoo was narrower than the others but once saw two adult bikes and a kid's 80 in the Kangoo car.
  10. Looks like a "standard" way of setting up a right hand pedal to suit left hand side brake, though we can't see the pedal. On zooming in, the front support is a substantial U section in effect. An interesting engineering exercise but I wouldn't consider paying that price for it - I don't suppose anyone can realistically recover the cost in man hours of building something like this - but I'd like a shot on it. I imagine the biggest problem with this one in many eyes is the sacrifice of a Fantic frame. There's a version of this up my way which uses Gas Gas mono front and back ends on a home built frame, but it is not out often enough to gauge performance.
  11. Mark the flywheel and engine casings with your TDC and 1.8mm BTDC then use a strobe to check. Less fiddling about than if not using a screw in gauge.
  12. Dumfries has long been a dead area for trials, despite the suitable terrain. Don't know why. Someone else on here is also from Dumfries way if I recall correctly. They may get in touch. You will probably have to stray in to Ayrshire?
  13. Somebody inspired by Peter Gaunt presumably. If you search on here for Gaunt Ducati you will find a picture of what must be your bike, posted by Ducman.
  14. Sorry, I assumed a certain level of knowledge on how things work given your trade/profession. Is it all just plug and play in the business now?
  15. The end of the selector drum is visible within the primary side casing. It has a slot in which the selector pawls slide. This slot is just off centre and it is common for it to be put in upside down causing selection of only some gears. Generally speaking the Montesa gearbox is a bit finicky, with several shims. The Bultaco only had one shim and was usually a better box. And no, I can't recall which is the right way up for the drum to go but someone will. I am not sure how far back the computerised records go - maybe the bike is too old to appear there?
  16. Now I often wondered where Kickstart was coming from, I don't recall them saying at the time. Anyway, that was not what I was thinking of: Tony Pond was a trials rider in his spare time.
  17. A mystery prize to the first one to name the trials connection with that clip.
  18. They seemed to run just fine on 50:1 when in the Lochaber area☺
  19. At one time Lanarkshire stretched on to Mull, cabby
  20. Does this mean we will be doing your time and observation trial in the dark then Breagh?
  21. I would check the ignition timing while you're at it.
  22. On standard gearing second is rather high for use "always" in my opinion. I run 10/43 and generally use first, however, if playing about after a trial I find I can ride almost every section in all 3 lower gears in woodsy type going. I find second (and first on standard 10/41) a bit fast for burns if the rocks are bigger than grapefruit size. A long time 4RT owner queried my use of second (before I geared the bike down) on a slippy step in a burn and was surprised when I told him I had used third on a long, steep gully rock/grass climb - he said first for both those sections. I think it all comes down to individual preference and riding style. PS It will only cost you £12 to experiment with 9/41☺
  23. How old is the oil in the gearbox of the average ten year old car? Do people generally have oil related problems because of that?
  24. Not quite the same I know but I've been using some forty year old chainsaw oil recently and it seemed fine. I have used "old" oil before with no problems. The only time there was, was a 5 gallon drum of Shell 2T where the small quantity in the bottom turned gelatinous, but that had been exposed to air for years. If you are worried then drain it after a trial and see if it shows signs of deterioration before putting it back in.
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