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Everything posted by 2stroke4stroke
  1. Michael's pictures are of the new model which is longer than the one in which two bikes will fit so should be no bother.
  2. Interesting issue under UK consumer law if sold as suitable for use in WTC but evidently not fit for purpose ☺
  3. A waste of time as far as salt goes - too much left exposed. I had a sail maker convert a bit of tarpaulin I had to cover the whole bike, with a separate one for the forks and front wheel. Full coverage worked well.
  4. Yes. But I have seen somewhere a mod to the generator to allow a lower tickover to be used. I think it involves spacing the coils at a different relationship to the magnet. School physics lessons are too far back now for me to recall how/why this would work. But I have not heard of anyone using the mod. If it was that simple I would have expected Honda to have done it.
  5. Friends have travelled extensively all over Europe and Scandinavia with three Pre '65 scramblers in a Landrover so a trials bike should be no problem.
  6. If you look down from your high horse Canadaler you might spot that pschrauber is not a native English speaker and that you have placed an unjustified interpretation on most of what he said.
  7. I have spacers that someone had made up. These replace the standard wheel spacers but flare out to the diameter of the bearing with a very slight shoulder to give turning clearance. They should largely prevent water etc reaching the bearing, particularly for those washing a bike carelessly. Too early yet to tell if they actually increase bearing life. I would have thought that the rings you mention won't make a big difference under trials conditions. No matter how fancy the rings the dirt is still going to be "forced" against the sealing edge and ultimately beyond it.
  8. Very interesting - how about organising a trip to the Montesa Festival? I'm sure you would find a lot of interest on here.
  9. I was at Union Mills when Dave Taylor passed on his attempt. I think he was credited with having achieved success despite, I think it was said, a couple of momentary touchdowns. I'm sure my TL 250 was even heavier than the impression given by John Noakes on lifting it?
  10. You didn't appreciate my weak humour but never mind that. I quoted from Jitsie's info. They say just the same for their Gas Gas filters which are the same construction.
  11. I have never understood why people make a "stronger" sump guard then drill big holes to weaken it in order to save next to no weight.
  12. You're right, and we are all now used to much pokier motors than in that day and we didn't have the advantage of radials until quite late on.
  13. Jitsie themselves say the coarse layer is to "stop large particles and resist clogging", which it clearly can't do as an inner (relative to airflow) layer, though they describe it as an outer layer. Maybe they're all made the wrong way round? No mention of flame guarding properties which you would expect them to emphasise were that the case. In over a year of changing filters after every outing I have seen no evidence of flame reaching the filter, nor have I on any four-stroke I have owned in all the years. Though I accept that Honda must feel the need of it. Are aftermarket filter users really suffering burned filters?
  14. I have standard, Apico and Jitsie - can't tell which one is in when riding the bike so no performance difference that way for me. I just put the standard set up in then put the lid on without bothering to actually attach the filter to the metal frame. By the time the lid is screwed down nothing is going to get by the edges anyway. Being on the clean side of the filter the coarse layer on the Jitsie appears to have little function.
  15. Two Nations etc axulsuv. I meant made in the loosest sense as we use it here and was referring to the Minarelli motor which they developed, as the works boys didn't use the 200 Pro in the World Champs. Though the barrel was the same as far as I know from a recent write up. The 240 never really was the everyman motor the 200 was.
  16. The next item on YouTube was the full one and a half hour version of that RC166 item where they strip it down in front of an audience and interview what was clearly those involved in the day. If only someone could put English subtitles on it?
  17. I always felt the Fantic was the ultimate aircooled motor with good performance (it spanned clubman to world championship level), reliability and longevity all of which was never quite surpassed by others. My preference was the 200 - a lot of people did not get on with the 240. I was not surprised when, fairly recently, someone who knew one of the development team at Fantic told me that Fantic themselves thought the 200 was the best motor they ever made.
  18. I'm sure you could get out tomorrow by sticking the remains in with silicon.
  19. I had to remove my silencer and noticed that, in addition to having had the end cap swapped per the standard road kit removal, the other end has been removed and refitted by a previous owner, presumably to perform some modification. Perhaps removal of something. Does anyone know what the inside of an 09 should contain before I start drilling? I'm sure it sounds louder since I had the mounting bracket welded so I am thinking there might be packing round a perforated tube and the heat has affected it.
  20. I would guess that any similarity is barely even skin deep. Crankcase perhaps but probably not much beyond that and the basic frame. Cost is irrelevant to Honda in this context.
  21. Orange instead of green then possibly?
  22. You mean they've finally caught up with the TYZ?
  23. The stuff I was recommended was for use in underwater cranes - action is similar to putting a bar through the spokes.
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