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Everything posted by 2stroke4stroke
  1. I'm even tighter than cleanorbust and ran a Pinky which came with a part used tyre for nine years but can't remember fitting a new tyre though I suppose I must have at some time as the bike did get a lot of use. That bike found grip where other Yams didn't. I'm sure most of us have turned tyres - sometimes more than once☺
  2. Which do you think might be worse, being held under slight tension against a bulkhead or suddenly fully compressed against a rock face in second gear (which is what they are designed for)? Bikes have been transported your way for decades with no apparent problems.
  3. I used various ATFs in my Rev 3 for over a decade with no problems.
  4. That was indeed the model for the British trials manufacturing industry when Villiers were around. A pity Yamaha had not seen an opportunity to do likewise with more than Scorpa.
  5. The first thing to do is move that kickstart to the correct position or you will punch a hole in the casing, if memory serves me correctly.
  6. Surely you mean an LE Velocette??
  7. I imagine silicon seal would do the job. Every trials rider has a tube of that lying around don't they? Or you could try PTFE tape.
  8. 14/52 was standard on the Sherpa. We used to fit a 15 for running around but I don't recall it feeling anything but low in top on the road if that is any guide.
  9. Apart from anything else the spooge will have gathered in the silencer so you won't be able to tell if anything you do has had any effect on that until you take it apart and clean out the excess oil. The resulting necessary repack will also improve running.
  10. Fit a half link to shorten the chain.
  11. I tend to agree with Baldilocks but, as the subject has been raised; the price of bikes and bits might be totally irrelevant - how long will your favourite local farmer survive if the UK Government chooses not to replicate EU subsidies.....................
  12. I had a TY with a "new" lever fitted. Persevere with the welding embrelleur.
  13. Sammy Miller Products list one, but no stock just now.
  14. 2stroke4stroke


    In the March issue of On the Pegs there was a photo of the rear mudguard doubled over with no problem. Even better than the ones we used in the Seventies.
  15. Having some experience of an automatic clutch (not off road) I can say that billyt is right. Sometimes you want to ease the clutch out and sometimes you want to bang it out. Neither is necessarily rev-related so you don't want to be tied to only one option.
  16. My recollection is that the Comerford supported guys were replacing Bing slides every couple of trials such was the wear rate. Are they obtainable now?
  17. I have experienced this stalling in very tight turns with various tickover settings and can only think I have let the load get just too high for the situation (ie I should have used more clutch to reduce the load or more throttle to keep the engine speed up, probably the latter). The late Mick Gallacher recommended 1850 as the optimum tickover speed and nobody had more experience than he. Another dealer reckons 1750. A pal has run at 1300 to 1400 for years with no issues. Mine will occasionally start with that very low tickover you mention but cuts out if I attempt to use the throttle. If I don't it stops eventually but never speeds up of its own volition.
  18. It's not a rattle but a deeper noise (but doesn't sound like bearings) at tickover which came on after an 80 mile run on the road, at a careful speed. As it had a new piston just before I got it I have faith that the guides would have been done if required. Anyway, it seems I can remove and inspect the tensioner without potential disaster so will do so. Thanks.
  19. I have what I hope is a camchain tensioner in need of adjustment; the manual says nothing about this. It looks like it may be an automatic tensioner. I don't want to remove the cover and end up overtightening the chain. Has anyone any experience of doing the tension?
  20. I was thinking of doing my tank with vinyl wrap - do you know how petrol resistant it is? I'm guessing it won't take long to start lifting along the edge on the mudguard
  21. 2stroke4stroke

    Gear Oil

    But designed to also do the gearbox on the typical Japanese multi producing a multiple of the power and torque of a trials bike so there should be no detriment, particularly if changed at trials frequencies.
  22. I think the average running temp of the coolant is in the nineties. How long can you hold your finger on a nearly boiling metal kettle?
  23. 2stroke4stroke

    Gear Oil

    According to the specification sheet it's a real wonder fluid used in all sorts of comp and racing machinery so it should protect a trials gearbox and primary drive just fine.
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