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Everything posted by 2stroke4stroke
  1. I never had one of those, it was my very early Bultacos then Ossa, Montesa and Suzukis that disappeared. And, to answer Deryk's point, the young lads weren't buying them as showpieces for there was nowhere to show 'em really.
  2. It seems to be done but the reasoning is beyond me. Why seal a bearing when it sits in a constant supply of fresh lubricant mist?
  3. Cue rapid increase in prices of these scarce early machines as demand soars in order to take part in these events. A side issue of which is something that always puzzled me; why, after selling a trials bike in those days, did they never seem to be seen again - who bought a trials bike not to use it?
  4. A bit of tyre soap makes getting the tyre on the rim dead easy, even with short levers (or none at all if you're lucky). Getting it blown in to position on the rim should not really be a problem if you take the advice above. If the tyre comes (and a second hand one won't) with the two sides close together (some have cardboard packing to space them out) then put something in to space them apart and leave for a few days. If you can get a good seal using the strap or bicycle inner tube then it is possible to blow the tyre on with a bicycle track pump. Not many garages have a decent compressor nowadays but the guys at your local tyre fitters might be open to persuasion.
  5. I'd say a lot of that looks like old damage. I bet it had a healthy rattle before?
  6. You'd need a heck of a sook to tear the filter material apart where it is held down by the airbox top, which is what would have to happen. If you think about it, for any given period of running, there's twice as many chances for a filter to be drawn in on a twostroke and I can't imagine it has ever happened.
  7. Indeed, but one works machine winning a title (ridden by a rider who we now realise probably could have done just about as well on an enduro bike - see the videos) doesn't negate that most private owners seemed to find them something of a headache with starting problems etc. Not many take on Honda at their own game and beat them. As I said I'd like to see it but I don't think it's realistic.
  8. "Adequate" was the term used, I believe. If it's even the same as the 4RT it will be plenty for its intended use I would have thought.
  9. Can't see it happening. They couldn't do an adequately "good" one when fourstroke was going to be mandated by the FIM so why put resources into developing one now in the small market we represent when their current bike is (presumably) doing well enough. Much as I would like to see them do so.
  10. We don't widely know yet how much different/better the 300 is but at least the 260 is readily available.
  11. As above but I find it is difficult not to contact the footrest. Standard footrest and the lever tends to jam against the front edge of the rest requiring it to be folded up to release the kickstart.
  12. I suspect that power will be of the Rolls Royce variety.
  13. How does it sound/go with that thing on the end of the silencer?
  14. I think you will need to give a bit more detail than "cut" if anyone is to offer sensible advice.
  15. How about a compromise? I can let you have a 125 SWM☺
  16. True, I spent a while sliding tbe forks out tbe yokes of the Beta to fit it in to an Astra hatchback when my trailer gave up tbe ghost, but it is a bit hard on the back lifting it in and out. And it's not really what you want to be doing at the end of an event.
  17. I think you are a bit over the top there. I see no hate, only reasonable responses to Craig's original request. Personally I was delighted when the new Ossa was announced as I had a MAR in the day and recognised the value of the technical advances and fresh approach (though a plastic bush instead of a wheel bearing seemed dubious at best) and hoped to get one. I had a go on a 300 and probably a 250 would have been fine for me. I would never buy the first batch of any make's new model and by the time the Ossa was properly sorted (map 15 I think?) the moment had gone. I have to say the marque did itself no favours, you would hardly have known they existed; to say that promotion in the UK was low key would be to overstate the level of publicity. I would have no criticism of anyone who bought an Ossa now but opinion was sought and accordingly given.
  18. Plus a day to get the sumpguard back on
  19. Fiat Doblo or Citroen Berlingo will both, in my experience, be ideal. Not sure what the range offers in terms of models but those I have/have had offered good cruising speed and driver comfort with economy. Bike lifts in no bother and comfort better than any "normal" car I have had.
  20. I carefully drilled (so as not to contact the sealed bearing behind) then used self tappers to pull it out if I remember correctly.
  21. I would wonder about whether or not certain spares are now/were ever available, let alone in ten years time. Comparison with mass-produced motorcycles, with widely available spares in their day, from decades ago is not valid.
  22. If you don't clean it now you won't know if the problem continues or not?
  23. Lean the bike on its side, unscrew the "glass" plug and clean it out with brake cleaner or whatever. There are some ribs in it which prevent use of a cloth or the like.
  24. Sounds like you may have removed the seal on the sealed bearing rather than the crankshaft seal. Was there one?
  25. Not sure what was in my 09 when I got it, some sort of Rock Oil I believe and the clutch was fine. Only three trials on with the Silkolene certainly but no noises or action problems so far.
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