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Everything posted by 2stroke4stroke
  1. Wouldn't it be a lot better just to make a new heat shield? The original, in my opinion, looks a bit tacky even on the standard pipe. A titanium pipe surely warrants something a bit more special.
  2. I need to replace my old Jitsie trousers, which were the nearest l could get to what I wanted at the time. Is it possible to get a reasonably protective trouser these days? I'm not interested in either skin fit lycra or wearing cammo pants. I can live with colour but don't really want large lettering. Thanks.
  3. You guys seem to be hard on your handlebars. I'm still using the (unbent) Renthals I first fitted to a Fantic in the Seventies.
  4. I've found that a Rev 3 demands very little beyond the routine stuff common to all bikes eg chains, wheel bearings, pads, air filter swap etc. However, it's very obvious at the SSDT that 4RT riders tend to be rather bored during the morning work period whereas the rest often have the thing in bits.
  5. Can't help with the tapping but if you have not run the bike since then a quick oil drain will remove any swarf, which should only be at the hole. Drain it through your girlfriend's tights and you can reuse the oil:-)
  6. 2stroke4stroke

    New Chain

    Wrecked crankcases. Fit a half link. In the old days we did that when we could in order to keep the wheelbase as short as possible.
  7. The modern bike is designed to be ridden on the clutch. Nobody ever had a strong enough wrist to ride an Ossa that way :-)
  8. Motocross bars have too much rearward sweep. One occasionally sees an older trials bike so fitted and you just don't get the right poise.
  9. Unfortunately it's generally the case that these bikes have had most of the internals removed from the silencer as it's acknowledged as necessary to get them to perform. Being fourstroke the sound carries more than a properly silenced two stroke so you might get complaints, though there are worse for this effect.
  10. At least, with a 4RT, you don't need to know about setting up a carb :-)
  11. Get theesen up to Drumcarrow on Sunday. An ideal starter.
  12. Hard to decide which forum for this but here we go. Is it possible to get the nylonish shims that fit on the AJP lever pivots, or something that will do the job?
  13. I’m fairly well out of touch with the market these days but some comments I’ve seen could indicate that my bike is worth more than I thought it might be.now that I come to sell it. What would be a fair price to ask for a 2003 Rev 3 200?. I’ve never been a spoke polisher but it runs very well, the wheel bearings are about four trials old and it has new swingarm bearings and rear suspension bush. Thanks.
  14. Surely the LT wire will only reach the external connector when the stator is in the correct position?
  15. UK, possibly the Pathfinder and I'll bet the TRS won't be much of an iceracer :-)
  16. I recall that the Twinshock Scrambles club barred Vincents many moons ago - it's not as if there was a queue of Rapide owners waiting to win all the races, and they had been raced in the day.
  17. It's not as if removing the mid box is a big job, it's not even clamped to the pipe. High time you cleaned in behind it anyway:-)
  18. Thanks Whiskey, and yes I did the bottom bearing recently but had to just clash it together for a two day when cleaning them out revealed the play in the pivot bearings. Spacers seem a bit pricey at over £8 each but fortunately I know a man with a lathe.
  19. Can anyone tell me the serial number for the needle roller bearings at the swingarm pivot? That'll let me get the bearings before stripping it down. Thanks.
  20. I used a suitable thickness of rubber cut in to a strip, wrapped it round the pivot then used a tie wrap to hold the two long ends of the U to the arm. That lasted well enough.
  21. My 03 rattled a lot which did not affect the running but offended my mechanical sensibilites. I had "someone" listen to it and he told me that it needed a rebore with oversize piston. I won't mention names, to avoid embarrassment, but if anyone should have known better it was this person. The 03 has a plated bore. I don't know which company can't be mentioned on here but I sent a new piston and the barrel to one that advertises widely (and which may play tennis with a very strong arm) and the result was an excellent job. Having said all that I don't think your knock will be the bore but engine noises can be hard to describe in words. Can we post audio files on here? Though recordings always seem to make a twostroke sound like two rats fighting in a dustbin anyway.
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