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Everything posted by 2stroke4stroke
  1. I think we'll just have to agree that we have differing definitions of the word spectacle
  2. You're right, there's not enough time spent watching that exciting spectacle of somebody standing still on a motorcycle. However, as someone who has health and safety management as a part of my job I'm a bit mystified as to what exactly the organisers are expecting will fall on to the observers' heads. A bit over the top to have observers wearing helmets surely - or will this be the next FIM dictat?
  3. This sounds like good stuff and it would probably be worth having a look inside the forks in any case but try the simple things first - are the forks straight? Slacken off the bolts in the yokes and give things a twist about then tighten up again when all is straight. Slacken off the wheel spindle and pump the forks to align them before retightening the clamp at the bottom of the slider. if you ride the bike with the legs "drawn together" at the bottom then the sliders can crack across the thin bit at the Montesa "M" logo if you hit a bump at speed. Don't ask me how i know.
  4. Surely, using your logic, it can be argued that the guy who gets his line right in the first place and does not have to faff about correcting it is showing a higher level of control - what lies above ultimate?
  5. I think it's less for water and more for the possible effect of the ethanol content of the petrol.
  6. Coming to a lamppost near you soon, I imagine.
  7. Or get a much neater one here for half the price, post free http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=20498
  8. Well the pair I have I bought for a Fantic 200, partly because they were rebuildable. I can't really remember what they were like but must have been better than the standard ones or the Girlings off the 348 (at least they didn't bend of their own volition unlike typical Girlings). But I did fit softer springs - I've still got the originals too. They got me round the Scottish OK so I must have been happy enough with them.
  9. Lochaber police are no more. Police Scotland is reportedly heavily Strathclyde influenced. Strathclyde had a history of antagonism towards motorcycle events.
  10. Not really, there's a lot of science goes in to creating the right size still air box on a modern road bike. The principle is the same but at the power levels of a trials bike less noticeable except in extremes.
  11. Link does not seem to be working fully Ross, goes to site but not SWM stuff which could be anywhere in a lot of photos.
  12. Indeed, it was he. Back in those days, when we often got weather at trials and gloves weren't what they are now, it was actually warmer (and a better grip was obtained) riding without gloves rather than wear a wet leather pair.
  13. I know you are less cconcerned than once you might have been with SACU matters but, had you been at the SACU AGM, you would have heard that the weather and other factors reducing numbers of entries will, in effect, lead to raised insurance costs for the rider. However, the Union is taking steps to mitigate this.
  14. I don't know what your other experience is but a TY 175 will feel flat compared to a more modern bike. I've ridden a 175 that was tuned by an expert and it was still flat, certainly compared to my TY 200 but I've no idea how the conversion was done or what other mods were made eg porting. I daresay if boost bottles had worked we would still be using them on current bikes.
  15. The best tip I can offer, all else being equal and once you've found your feet so to speak, is that you actually put section markers down when you are practising or you'll be too generous to yourself on the awkward bits
  16. Skilful though bouncing and balancing may be I think the most impressive such footage I've seen was the girl who, whist riding down a slope, used her foot as a brake on the tyre.
  17. Aye, but it might have been difficult for them to know that when they were producing the 250 UKR those years before, when he was merely a top runner and Swedish Champion.?
  18. John, I did not use the phrase "ramble on", rather, "ramble through" which means something completely different. ie a pleasant journey via, as opposed to an unnecessarily lengthy and possibly irrelevant monologue, which latter is certainly not your style.
  19. Think I'll have to miss March alas - Bedlington 2 Day.
  20. The LT coil on my TY comprises two coils mounted together, one above the other, this one being a lot smaller than the other. The manual shows only the larger one and this seems to match what I have seen advertised as a source coil. Has someone perhaps modified mine or is the standard setup different to what is shown in the manual?
  21. It's normal to fit "spring down" in order to reduce unsprung weight. You may not think this significant but, hey, you've paid for an expensive bike with fancy rear suspension unit, why not make the best of it. When the gas Girlings came out they would only function "spring down", with no damping when mounted the other way up.
  22. I'll ask the same question as I have a steel one to fit to a TY 175 but it needs tweaking. If I could find one I'd also fit a steel lever to my Beta.
  23. The TLM was so good I'm sure they sold as many as a dozen in Britain - not the most popular of bikes because, if I recall, they just didn't match the Yamaha and were probably much more expensive. An allegedly Works one languished unsold in my local Honda dealer for months, if not years, back in the day. I rather suspected it had been the rounds of the Honda dealers as they must have been getting desperate to get rid sending it to a dealer that had absolutely no comp dealings whatsoever. I certainly wouldn't like to try and get parts for one.
  24. It's just possible that I have a slightly used one lying about if that is any use - PM me if you are interested.
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