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  1. Amazon Have, sweat wicking Helmet liner cooling skull caps i have the, KTM one my helmet smells great, i wash after each ride
  2. Hi Marty4rt Ive had my right one done 5yrs ago sure its mint now,,, just be very careful as i had a friend who came of his bike and the knee joint cam out not a good out come for him
  3. As cascao has mentioned grinding paste , i had the same thing on my old Beta stripey spent time doing it but it paid off never had that again
  4. Hi drca Could you send me your email so i can send you some photos i would like to keep the photos off TC cheers
  5. Left wheel spacer 19.57 mm long step to inner bearing 8.45mm to fit tech wheel bearing 6905 DU Right wheel spacer 12.39 mm long step to inner bearing 9.24mm hub inside spacer 73.58 mm long outside spacer 30mm long disc calp small spacers 3.82 wide od 14.97 mm 8mm hole yoke spacers 40mm forks turned down and made 39mm spacers forks snug fit spacers with a 3mm lip that stops them sliding down the fork and they stay there mint hope this helps cheers Wakka NZ
  6. will pull the wheel and bearings out + spacers size and will get back to you cheers
  7. I've done the change from Marzocchi to Tech, 3 years ago, new tech axle right bearings to fit and made up both wheel spacers to fit and rides mint should have done it when Tech forks came out, injoy..
  8. HI Guys Just had 3x Acerbis Jet Aria turn up from Splat shop great helmets so glad to have found them best of all a nice fit enjoy
  9. I made up spacers for myTech forks works fine made from free machining alloy Made up wheel spacers and the centre spacer + Tech axle as well got the right bearings its mint to ride so happy I did the change
  10. I have a KTM sweat Beanie with lots of small holes in it works great, my helmet is mint after every trial
  11. I run waterless coolant in my 300 KTM, works fine, put some in my 300 Raga and the engine would not get up to operating temperature, it would stall very often, drained it out put some Motul fluid in, sweet as never stalled again
  12. Come to New Zealand and ride we only have 35 ish riders at a National event and have awesome day
  13. MY 92 Gara had 2 sets of cases, bugger as i liked the bike.
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