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parksi 125

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Everything posted by parksi 125
  1. Hiya fella's .. Yeah you read right.. I sprayed WD 40 on the break discs as I had a squeak running through the front wheel . Sprayed it on after I jet washed the bike. Knowing I best dry the disc and pads I thought 2 mins drive with some good breaking would dry the pads , like when I wash my car's alloys , discs and so on.. I certainly very quickly noted this was not going to be the case as I tried to break heading round a round about ... Well I nearly **** a brick and thought best stop soon .. If possible :-) .. Anyway I sprayed some brake cleaner on tonight and rubbed the discs down with the same mix .. I intent on getting both sets of pads changed by early next week from a local bike shop ... I have no idea ATM how to go on with this thing , but over the next couple month I will do some research and crack this baby ... So far I love the bike , so clean looking and think it will be a great hobby that I will love , I was going to buy a Rieju Tango 125cc for 2200
  2. Hiya Godzilla .. Thanks for your reply .. Yeah I live up in Sunderland ! Where are you from ? . I will take on board what you said , I have seen the price of some discs and they look pretty expensive , will try the pads first , guess I need a destruction manual to find out how to go on with this thing , I must say on a positive note that I love this bike , the Yamaha eng has enough power to get me around and popping some nice moves .. Total novice at this sport but think its something that will stick .. I bought the bike keenly as its road legal and I just passed my CBT training , I have had a few folk around town mention how nice the bike is and how rare to see 1 on the road , can not wait to be able to strip it down and give it a good clean .. Certainly will try the carb break cleaner in the next couple days , I will try the GG pads as I guess you get what you pay for in this game .. Thanks
  3. Hiya there good folk .. I have just recently bought a Scorpa tys 125 f which is road legal and registered. Anyway I first used the bike on road and all was cool . But when pulling the front brake lever I feel it bouncing back in my hand . I went and washed the bike after a few off road sections around the area and spared WD 40 around the bike after I jet washed it . On the brakes as well , now when I went to pull away all was ok but stopping on the other hand was a problem :-) , the bouncing back of the lever disappeared I must say but the lack of brakes was no on the fore front of my mind , yesterday while riding the roads I heard like a slight grinding noise from the front of the bike , just normal road use , then today when I took it out it started to squeak likely every revolution , I took it to a local bike store and they said try new discs and pads , so where is the best place to order spares for the scorpa 125tys f 2004 model ? ! The front brake even when I bought the bike felt a little under powered and wanted this sorting , so I hope new discs and pads will sort this problem , I have no idea about stripping the bike down as this is my first bike .. Any great tips or links would be great fully accepted .. Thanks Chris
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